Published 9:13 am Thursday, September 21, 2017
Heritage Hospice, Inc. Volunteer Wins Honors at KAHPC
Heritage Hospice
On Aug. 18, the Kentucky Associate of Hospice and Pallative Care (KAHPC) conference awarded Heritage Hospice Inc. volunteer Drew Hardgrove with the “Above and Beyond Award” for “demonstrating exemplary actions of heroism or courage beyond the call of duty within his hospice role.” The director of volunteers at Heritage Hospice Inc., Wendy Hellard had nothing but praise for Hardgrove.
“I love working with Drew. He is a very compassionate person that brings a lot to our volunteer program,” Hellard said.
An active volunteer since 2013, Hardgrove has done much to establish strong partnerships with the patients he serves at Hospice. With a background in education, many years of service working alongside the Peace Corps in Africa, and a career in human resources, he credits his success as a volunteer to the candidness that comes with interacting with Hospice patients.
People who qualify for Hospice care have been given a terminal diagnosis with six months or less to live. As such, people in this stage of life are open to discussion.
“It is unbelievable how wonderfully open and unraveling their lives are with you,” Hardgrove said. “They are generous in sharing since they realize they’re facing what we all ultimately will be facing.”
Hardgrove works hard to find connection with those he collaborates with, and does not limit himself once those connections are made.
“What I aspire to do, continuing to work as a volunteer with Hospice, is truly become a partner with the family for a short period of time — and to share as much as possible in the experience even though I am an outsider.”
At the KAHPC conference, Hardgrove spoke to the audience about how he prefers the word “partner” over “patient”. Not only is his language demonstrative of how he chooses to share in the experience, he also shares with those he volunteers with through the use of his time. Throughout his most recent partnership, Hardgrove devoted one hour of travel time to reach his patient’s home and would then spend upwards of five hours engaging with the patient in conversation.
Though they came from very different walks of life, Hardgrove and his partner forged a strong bond during their limited time together. The fondness still lingers even after the patient’s death.
Hardgrove keeps the alert on his phone reminding him to make the hour-long journey to the patient’s home as a way to pay tribute to his partner.
“I quickly realized that if I was going to be proficient at all at doing my volunteer work than it (the death of a patient) had to bother me. I couldn’t just walk away.”
It was this kind of compassion that led KAHPC to recognize Hardgrove as an exemplary volunteer.
While he may not be one for awards, Hardgrove claimed that this honor is a reflection of Heritage Hospice Inc.’s accomplishments and all the other volunteers who work alongside him.
“I would argue that there are many more volunteers here at Heritage more deserving than I was,” Hardgrove said.
When asked what led him to be a volunteer with Hospice, Hardgrove pointed back to his desire to push his own boundaries.
“I think the only way anybody can grow is if they try things that would otherwise make them uncomfortable.”
Volunteer opportunities are always available with Heritage Hospice, Inc. The volunteer program will be hosting a Tea and Treasure event 1-3 p.m. Nov. 4, with a silent auction at noon. Tickets are $25. If you are interested in volunteering at Heritage Hospice Inc. call Wendy Hellard at (859) 236-2425 or email
Cocanougher Family Reunion
The Cocanougher Family Reunion was held at The Perryville American Legion Hall on Sunday, July 30, 2017. In attendance were 70 people from Kentucky, Illinois and Tennessee. Coming the greatest distance was Helen Connour Daugherty from Mattoon, IL. The youngest attending were the children of Tim and Kim Hawkins. The oldest present was 90-year-old George White.
A bountiful meal, some stories, much genealogy, a lot of laughter, renewing and making acquaintances, a tall tale or two, perhaps a lie or so and the game “Who Has…” were enjoyed. The descendants of the late Polly Cocanougher Hatchett from Springfield, Ky. were recognized with children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren and great-great-grandchildren present. Bruce Cocanougher challenged the group in 2016 to bring more attendees and the one bringing the most would be given a Waterford vase from his and Jon Aicon’s collection. Mary Kathyrin Crain Locklin had the most people present and was given this lovely vase. Thanks to Bruce and the late Jon for this gift.
Front row from left, Ann Hardin holding her granddaughter, Kim Hawkins holding son Grayson Hawkins, Matt Moore, Celeste Duncan Moore, Jimmie Cocanougher, Norma Glasscock, Leeann Gordon Randolph, Helen Connour Daugherty, Ruth Hatchett Duncan, George Duncan, George White, Peggy White, Kathy White East, Baxter East, Pamela Cummins Brown, Betty Cummins.
Second and third rows, Tim Hawkins, Bill Jones, Beulah Cocanougher Jones, Pat Cocanougher, Ruby Carpenter, Pamela Bledsoe Chaples, MacKenzie Morrison, Shai Morrison, Cathie Grantham, unknown, Janie Logsdon, Esther Hatchett Money, Mary Kathyrin Crain Locklin, Scotty Cocanougher Clenney, Ty Clenney, Joanne H. Cocanougher, Charlene Carter.
Back rows, David Hardin, Stewart Cocanougher, Bruce Cocanougher, Jim Hatchett, Tony Chaples, Sherry Arnold Hatchett, Shawn Cloyd, Ayden Cloyd, Burton Hatchett, Bonnie Weakley Hatchett, Kevin Grigsby, Roger Grigsby, Billy Hardin, Pete and Connie Kubala, Leah Kubala, Kenneth Crain, Mike Crain, Denny Cocanougher.
Those not pictured include Joe Carter, Betty Woodrum, The Cloyds (Rob, Shawn, Ayden and Delaney) John Locklin, Lynn and Vickie Crain, Sidney Gordon, Norma E. Goode, Felix G. Reynolds, Pat Settles, Terry and Jayne Lynn Pitman, Perry Riley, David Caldwell and Margaret Riley.
The Annual Cocanougher Reunion will be held again on Sunday, July 29, 2018 from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. at The Perryville American Legion Hall. For information contact Mike Crain via email at or phone (859) 368-3853 or Facebook Mike Crain.
DCA fishermen place in tourney
Danville Christian Academy bass fishing team took third place in the Kentucky Bass Nation state finals at Green River this past weekend (Sept. 16). Danville Christian Academy High School students, Cam Slone and Caleb Hurst are pictured after their third place finish.
DAR speaker
Captain Peggy Butler spoke about her service in the Navy during Desert Storm/Desert Shield at the Sept. 8, meeting of the Daughters of America. Pictured are, from left, Nancy Ketelhohn regent, Judy Sieweke, vice regent, Captain Peggy Butler, Teresa McGhee, Martha McConnell and Ann Pennington.
Perryville Elementary School builds strong ties with its community

Photo submitted
On September 12, 2017, Principal Chris Slone was invited to Morning Pointe Assisted Living Facility where he was presented with a barrel of school supplies by Business Office Manager, Dorothy Phillips.
The school supplies were collected as an entry fee to a Cruise-In held this summer at the facility. Morning Pointe shared the supplies with PES students as a thank you for the toiletry items the students had collected for residents last spring.
“It’s great to create a community partnership!” said Principal Slone. “Our students will benefit not only from the supplies but also from the relationships we are building.”