Amish Cook
Published 8:21 am Tuesday, December 5, 2017
True love is color blind
By Gloria Yoder
How are things going with your foster babies? How are Julia and Austin adjusting, and how do you think it’ll go once we have another baby born in February? These are all questions readers are asking, and for good reason.
Sometimes I am not sure what the practical answer is. Really, all days do vary a lot. I am not some sort of super woman who has every “I” dotted and “t” crossed. We have many happy hours working, playing, and rocking. But we also experience the flip side: quarrels, a messy house, flu bugs, and a mom who doesn’t always reach around and immediately give everyone the attention they would like to have.
And, yes, I also wonder how things will go with another little one in the house. My hubby has been a tremendous support for me, reminding me that we will continue only taking one step at a time and God will provide. I have found that to be amazingly true. Multiple times someone has dropped off food or given us a helping hand at precisely the time we needed it most!
Repeatedly, I think of a tidbit my Aunt Susie, who raised 10 children, shared with me. She is the type of person that doesn’t make unnecessary words and you know that when she talks it’ll be worth listening to. She has raised children so I value her bits of wisdom in a special way. After stopping by for a visit and as she was leaving she said: “Just take one moment at a time and when that moment comes, make the best of it.”
How simple and yet how profound I have found that advice to be! Many times when I have had several little ones demanding my attention at once I was reminded that I just need to do the most important thing at the moment and make the most of it and all will be well.
Julia is doing a super job of being a loving big sister for the little ones and a helpful daughter to me. She is quick to figure out what a good cheer-up would be for her younger siblings if they are having a rough time such as offering to get a sippy cup of water or just playing with them on their level.
In answer to some of you who have had questions:
Are the children Amish just like our other children or are there differences in the way they are dressed? And what school will they attend? Okay, while they are in our Amish home they generally do dress Amish, except for the times the visit their parents, which is usually twice a week. As for education, if they would be old enough to go to school they would go to public school, not our Amish parochial school. The same concept applies to medical care, while we are more likely to use natural remedies for our biological children, we more quickly take our foster children to the doctor.
Do Amish folks accept other race children into their homes? The answer will vary upon who you ask, but our response is that there is absolutely no difference to us. Color is only skin deep. I latch onto a quote my sister introduced to me: “True love is colorblind.” That captures my heart perfectly. Our adorable foster children are biracial. In my way of thinking, it just makes both of them cuter than cute! I love playing with Rayni’s curly dark brown hair. We’ve had people commenting that her curls kind of look like Daniel’s wavy hair, and their hair color is identical as well!
How long do you expect the children to stay in your homes? A minimum of eight months . In the meanwhile, we’ll keep loving for them and caring for them as if they are our own. Yes, parting with them would be extremely difficult. But Daniel keeps encouraging me: “We are loving them for their sake, not ours.” We will never regret every ounce of love we poured into their young hearts.
Now, how about wrapping up with Rayni’s all-time favorite dish: noodle-wiener casserole
1 pound package of wieners
8 ounces noodles
1 /4 cup oleo
2 tablespoons flour
1 cup milk
1 1 /4 cup cheese
1 /2 teaspoon salt
Topping: ¼ cup brown sugar, 1 ½ tablespoons mustard, 1 /4 cup salad dressing
In a large kettle, cook noodles and drain. In a saucepan melt oleo and stir in flour. While stirring, slowly add milk. When mixture comes to a boil add cheese and salt and stir until cheese is melted. Add this to the cooked noodles and pour into greased casserole dish. Mix topping together and add wieners. Bake at 375 degrees for 30 minutes. Serves 8.