Religion briefs, Dec. 29
Published 12:54 pm Friday, December 29, 2017
- Five area pastors gather with Mayor for upcoming Bible reading. Brent Rowe, Calvary Baptist; Doug Davis, Perryville Baptist; Choe Sergent, Junction City First Baptist; Mayor Mike Perros; Elmer Mejia, Heaven’s Door; Bruce Chute, 3rd Street Methodist; Aprile & Howard Hunt.
Area churches to participate in Bible-reading marathon New Year’s Day
News release
Boyle County is starting 2018 out right New Year’s Day with local residents reading the Bible through in one afternoon. This Bible Reading Marathon will take place noon Jan. 1 on the grounds of Weisiger Park adjacent to the Boyle County Courthouse.
The event will begin with a welcome from Mayor Mike Perros. In the event of rain the alternate location will be Third Street Methodist Church at the corner of Third and Walnut streets.
The purpose of the Bible Reading Marathon is to create an awareness of reading the only God-inspired guide for successful living. The Bible Reading Marathon is a program to encourage people to read the Bible and create a revival of the Bible. Individuals will read simultaneously until all scriptures are read from Genesis through Revelation.
The entire word of God can be read from beginning to end in 90 hours. However, if 180 people each read a different selection of scriptures, simultaneously, the Bible can be read through in 30 minutes.
God’s word is powerful. In this Bible reading, we will speak the supernatural power of God’s holy word into our natural world. Pastor Tom Lane, who coordinated the Bible Reading for 2017, said, “I am amazed that so many people were willing to read the Bible in the freezing and rainy weather.”
The KY 120 United Bible Reading Marathon is sponsored by the Kentucky Prayer Focus and was founded by Pastor Mark Harrell and hosted by 120 counties of Kentucky.
Aprile Hunt, Coordinator for 2018, says, “Presently, 10 pastors from local churches have agreed to promote and will send readers to participate in the event. We encourage families, friends and youth groups to pray and read the Bible together. Everyone is encouraged to participate. Hopefully, 180 people will read 30 minutes or everyone will read until we finish.”
Participating Churches and reverends include: Calvary Baptist, Rev. Brent Rowe; Centenary United Methodist, Rev. Scott Stith; Cornerstone Assembly of God, Rev. Tom Lane; Danville Church of God, Rev. Bryan Montgomery; First Christian Church, Rev. Joey Pusateri; Gethsemane Baptist, Rev. Steven James; Heaven’s Door, Rev. Elmer & Ali Mejia; Junction City First Baptist, Rev. Choe Sergent; Perryville Baptist, Rev. Doug Davis; St. James A.M.E., Rev. Ralph Smith; Third Street Methodist, Rev. Bruce Chute
An open invitation is extended for all who wish to participate. Those interested in participating in any part of the event are welcome and may contact Hunt for additional information.
Our country desperately needs awakening again. May the Lord move mightily on each county as they participate and may Kentucky begin to lead the way in national spiritual transformation.
For more information contact Howard or Aprile Hunt by emailing or calling (859) 583-7268