Weekender, March 1
Published 9:14 am Thursday, March 1, 2018
The Boyle County Extension Homemakers are hosting a craft class. “Snappy Bags” will be offered taught y Thelma Mills at the Boyle County Extension Office on Thursday, March 8th. There are two times to choose from. The first class will be from 3 to 5 pm and the same class will be repeated from 6 to 8 pm. The cost is $5. Call 236-4484 for more information and to sign up. Deadline to sign up is March 6th.
Supplies needed:
· Sewing machine (if you don’t have one we will have some available)
· 2 fat quarters of fabric (18″ x 22″ (46cm x 56cm)
· Basic sewing notions
· Two 3×3 squares of fabric for small triangles
Events for this column must be submitted to the Advocate by *NOON MONDAY* to be in the Thursday newspaper. Send events (must include complete information: hours, admission price, contact for info, etc.) to bit.ly/amevents. Events may also be emailed to bcurd@amnews.com.
Karaoke, 7:30 p.m.-midnight Friday at Garden Club, 246 Short Acres Road, Junction City. Cover charge is $5. Info: (859) 583-1100.
Perryville Jamboree, 5:30-10 p.m. Saturdays at 103 N. Bragg St. Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. and is served until 7 p.m. Entertainment by Kentucky South with Lindsey Hatfield. Cover is $10. To keep up with guest artists and other events, like Perryville Jamboree on Facebook. Info: (859) 583-9780.
Neon Shine, 8 p.m.-midnight Friday and Saturday at Mae Johnson’s White Barn, Waynesburg. Cost is $5. Pool room opens at 7 p.m. Information: (606) 365-3417.
Cadillac Tractor, 7:30 p.m.-midnight Saturday at Garden Club, Junction City. Cover is $10. Info: (859) 583-1100.
Pickers and grinners open jam session, 10:15 a.m.-noon Saturdays at Kentucky Fudge Company, 225 South Main St., Harrodsburg. Bring instrument and sing along with us. For more information, call Tim at (859) 733-0088.
Open mic night, last Saturday of each month at Kentucky Fudge Company, Harrodsburg. Kids begin at 6:30 p.m., adults start at 8 p.m. For more information, call Tim at (859) 733-0088.
Acoustic jam/amplified jam, 7-9:30 p.m. second and fourth Tuesdays every month. Jam sessions are being held at the Masonic Lodge at North Fourth and Smith streets. For more information, call John Hughes at (859) 583-4112.
Tapley Art Reception, 3 p.m. Sunday at BCPL, Danville. Join us for an unveiling of the newest addition to the library’s art collection, a Sheldon Tapley painting given in honor of Catharine Spragens. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Eternal Quest Art Gallery, open noon-6 p.m. Monday and Wednesday at 1000 East Lexington Ave., Suite 19, Danville. Sidewalk on the left side of Greenleaf Shopping Center, at the last door. Original art and prints exhibited by J. Robert Gundy, Jr. Info: (859) 230-1296.
Murmurations and Exultations, through May 5 at New Editions Gallery, 500 W. Short St., Lexington. Opening 5-8 p.m. March 16 for Gallery Hop, then daily 11 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Approaching the canvas instinctively and without preamble, both Cheryl Chapman and Rodney Hatfield begin by mark making, layering paint and building texture. Structure and patterns emerge…a tradition of abstract expressionism on one hand and a story of intimate portraits on the other. Bold color, rhythm and line start the conversation, where communication begins, and the canvas becomes the pathway for exploration and discovery. Admission is free. Info: neweditionsgallery.com; (859) 266-2766.
The Marquis Crossing Ladies Society’s First Attempt at Murder, March 9-11 and 16-18 at West T. Hill Community Theatre, 117 Larrimore Lane, Danville. An ensemble comedy about a ladies arts society who want to do a murder mystery fundraiser; however, they don’t want to pay the royalties for a previously written play. Anybody can write a play, right? Mayhem ensues with much laughter and confusion as these ladies attempt to do just that! Tickets: westthill.net, (859) 319-0205. *Check back Friday in The Advocate-Messenger for more on this production.
The Lion King, Jr., 7 p.m. March 15-17 at Gravely Hall Performing Arts Center inside Danville High School, 203 E. Lexington Ave. A collaboration between John W. Bate Middle School Drama and Choir departments. General admission at the door is $10; $5 for seniors and children 12 and under.
Family Movie Night, 5 p.m. March 8 at BCPL, Danville. Watch the hit movie from 2017 based on the best-selling book by R.J. Palacio about a boy with facial differences entering a mainstream elementary school for the first time. Related activities and snacks will be provided. (Rated PG; 113 min.) Info: (859) 238-7323.

Meetin the author: Mary Beth Touchstone poses with Paul Stansbury, holding his new book, “Inversion” at the Boyle County Public Library. Stansbury appeared at the library for an informal “author visit” on Feb. 17, and signed copies of his book as well as spoke to interested readers. “Inversion” is one of three books Stansbury has published, in addition to several short stories and poems in multiple publications and online.
Jim’s Authentic Cocktail Society, 5 p.m. Tuesdays for a featured cocktail at Jane Barleycorn’s, Danville.
Contra Dance, with caller Kristen Planeaux and band Another Clay Pigeon, 8-11 p.m. Saturday (beginner lesson 7:30-8 p.m.) at Artworks at the Carver School, 522 Patterson St., Lexington. Potluck at 6:45 p.m., open waltz 7-7:30 p.m.. Cost is $8/adults, $5/students and first-timers. Info: (859) 552-5433, ltda.ws.
Contra Dance with caller TBA and open band (pick-up musicians welcome) 8-10:30 p.m. March 9 (beginner lesson 7:30-8 p.m.) at Artworks at the Carver School, 522 Patterson St., Lexington. Cost is $7/adults, $5/students and first-timers. Info: (859) 552-5433, ltda.ws.
Painting 101 for Adults, 6:30-8 p.m. Tuesdays, March 20-April 17 at CAC, Danville. A class for those who’ve dreamed about learning to paint, or have taken Starry Night Studio classes and are ready to take their skills to the next level. Instructor Martha Robinson will provide an introduction to some of the key techniques of acrylic painting including brush choice, color mixing, shading, and more. Cost is $70. Info: communityartscenter.net; (859) 236-4054.
The Great Mosque of Cordoba: Lessons in Cultural Flows, noon-1 p.m. Tuesday at CAC, Danville. Presented by Dr. David Hall. Cost is $13/door. Info: communityartscenter.net; (859) 236-4054.
Modern Dance for Adults, through May 8 at the Kitty Baird Center, 815 Roy Arnold Boulevard, Danville. Taught 12:30-1:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 11:30 a.m.-12:20 p.m. Tuesday and Thursday by Elizabeth Luttinger. No experience necessary; approach is about natural movement to build strength and grace. Ballet barre to warm-up, then funky cardio, safe stretching and a bit of choreography to get the body/mind working. The center is located south of the Centre College track, at the corner of Russel Street and Roy Arnold Boulevard. Classes are $55/month, discounts are available and classes are free for those with Centre IDs. Info: elizabeth.luttinger@centre.edu; (859) 238-5930.
Ceramic Garden Accessories, 6:30-8:30 p.m. March 7 and 14 at CAC, Danville. Students will learn how to make handmade, ceramic accessories for gardens, like ornaments, plant markers and more. Cost is $40, for ages 7+, adults welcome. Info: communityartscenter.net, (859) 236-4054.
Body Recall, 9-9:45 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday at First Christian Church Disciple of Christ, 555 E. Lexington Ave., Danville. Classes help regain strength, mobility and flexibility, aid in everyday living. Fee is $6 a week. Info: Carolyn Walter, (859) 548-8203, 236-4006.
Cooking Classes, noon and 6 p.m. March 5 at GCEO, Lancaster. The March cooking classes will focus on healthy snacking during the March Madness craze. Two classes offered. Participants must call if want to attend. Info: (859) 792-3026.
Adult Martial Arts, with Mike Stanfill 6-7 p.m. Thursdays at GEC, Lancaster. A 6-week session, $55 per person. Payment with registration must be received by Feb. 28. Info: Deronda.sears@garrard.kyschools.us.
Beginner/Intermediate guitar, 6:30 p.m. Thursdays, beginning March 1, GEC, Lancaster. Instructed by Ron Scott. Instructional handouts will be provided, students required to bring own guitars. Class is open to children and adults. Cost is $65 and must be paid by Feb. 28. nfo: Deronda.sears@garrard.kyschools.us.
Kid’s Martial Arts, 5 p.m. Thursdays at GEC, Lancaster. For children ages 5-12, instructed by Jonathan Turner. Classes last for 6-weeks, registration/payment due by Feb. 28. Info: Deronda.sears@garrard.kyschools.us.
Beginning knitting/crochet groups, Mondays at Garrard County Extension Office (GCEO), 1302 Stanford Road, Lancaster. Beginning knitting will be 10 a.m., crochet at 2 p.m. Beginners or those who want to brush up on their skills may join. Information: (859) 792-3026.
Arthritis Foundation Exercise, 9:30 a.m. Monday and Wednesday at LCPL, Stanford. Focuses on flexibility and strength. New members always welcome; call first to verify dates of class. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Starry Night Studio: The Red Umbrella, 7-9 p.m. March 14, instructed by Jennifer Ahnquist, turn the gloomy weather into something beautiful. Blue Dog, 2-4 p.m. March 17. This whimsical painting is inspired by the work of American painter George Rodrigue. In the early 1990s, he created his Blue Dog series based on a French-Cajun loup-garou legend. Although the loup-garou was essentially a werewolf, our Blue Dog is a friendly fellow, eager to brighten your walls. Cost is $28 per studio. Info: communityartscenter.net, (859) 236-4054.
Peg People Workshop, 3:30-5:30 p.m. March 15 at CAC, Danville. A great class for any creative to unleash their imagination using simple wooden clothespins to create highly detailed figurines. Students will choose subject (super heroes, princesses, family members …) then bring it to life. Instructed by Brandon Long, cost is $20, for ages 8+. Info: communityartscenter.net, (859) 236-4054.
Art Adventures, 10-11 a.m. Tuesdays through March 13 at CAC, Danville. Drop your aspiring artist for an hour of creative arts exploration with new projects each week designed to introduce children to a range of media and techniques. Cost is $40, for ages 3-5. Info: communityartscenter.net; (859) 236-4054.
Painting, noon-4 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Thursdays at GCAC, Lancaster. Cost is $30 per class, includes all materials. Private classes and painting parties available. Instructed by Bobbie Gayle Lewis. Info: (859) 948-6988.
Beginner Ballroom Dance, 6-7 p.m. Thursdays at CAC, Danville. The type of dance step changes approximately every four weeks and you don’t need to have a partner. Practice your moves at a monthly Soirée. Cost is $10/class. Info: communityartscenter.net, (859) 236-4054..
The Paint Bar, 6 p.m. the first Thursday of each month at Arts Council of Mercer County Studio & Gallery (ACMC), 120 South Main St., Harrodsburg. Engaging series catered to anyone interested in creating art. Cost: $28 per class. Info: (859) 612-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com.
Open studio, 6-8 p.m. every third Thursday at ACMC, Harrodsburg. The gallery’s newest series. Bring a photo or an idea you would like to paint and an art professional will help you create your masterpiece. Cost: $20, supplies included. Info: (859) 612-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com.
Opening Act Studio, at Hometown Kids, 440 W. 4th St., Perryville. Classes taught by Emma Steberl, a Perryville resident with 15 years of theater and performance experience who has trained with top industry professionals in New York City. Limited scholarships will be available. Info: Emma Steberl, (859) 319-6821, or like Opening Act on Facebook.
Little Paws Piano and Music Studio, 475 West Main St., Danville. Kindermusik Classes offered for ages 0-5 years, $60 per month includes album of music for each unit (five different units for different age groups, call for unit and schedule); private piano instruction, $20/lesson; group piano, $15/class; guitar by instructor Jeff Hogue, $75/month; percussion by instructor Lucas Hunt, $20/lesson; voice by instructors Grace Sheene and Collette Jones, $20/lesson; trumpet by instructor Michael May, $20/lesson. Info: (859) 319-1066.
Creative Kids Series, 10 a.m.-noon last Saturday of each month at ACMC, Harrodsburg. A way for kids of all ages to experience creating art. Cost is $10/class. Info: (859) 613-0790 or artscouncilofmercer.com.
Painting parties, through GCAC, Lancaster. Reserve a date for a group to have a fun night out creating a painting. Participants will go home with a 16×20 painting. Instructor will travel to a location or may be hosted at our Arts Center. All materials included. Info: (859) 948-6988.
Munchkin and Me Art Classes, preschool art (ages 18 months-4 years), 10-10:45 a.m. Thursdays at CAC, Danville. A free visual arts class for children to experiment with new techniques and mediums each week. *This offering follows the schedule of Danville Schools, if there is no class at Danville this class will not meet. Info: communityartscenter.net; (859) 236-4054.
Violin, piano, ukulele and voice instruction by Amanda Sivers. Info: (859) 319-3806, amandasivers.com.
Piano and voice instruction, en Inglés o Español by Richard Ferreira, Danville. Info: (859) 329-7814.
Violin instruction by Phil DeHaan, at CAC, Danville. Info: (859) 509-4293.
Voice instruction by Shauntina Phillips, at CAC, Danville. Info: shauniphillips@gmail.com, (859) 209-1265.
Piano instruction by Mary DeHaan, at CAC, Danville. Info: (502) 625-6430.
Guitar instruction by Jeff Cain, at CAC, Danville. Info: jcain807@hotmail.com, (606) 669-3040.
Open Coding Club, 4 p.m. today (Thursday, March 1) and Monday at BCPL, Danville. No experience required. Email danville.code@gmail.com to register. For all students in grades 6-12. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Kid’s Homeschool Book Club, 2 p.m. Friday at BCPL, Danville. This book selection this month is “Aesops Fables” retold by Ann McGovern. Info: (859) 238-7323.
LEGO Club, 4 p.m. Friday at BCPL, Danville. Build your own unique creation to be put on display in the Children’s Library. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Crafters Who Care, 6 p.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville. Group knits/crochets hats, scarves and afghans to share with those in need — some also work3 on looms. Those who would like to learn are welcome; donations of yarn gladly accepted. Participation is free/no registration required. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Kid’s Book Club (Week 3), 4 p.m. Tuesday at BCPL, Danville. Participate in trivia, and enjoy snacks while discussing books from Geronimo Stilton and Magic Tree House. This program will run for four weeks. For ages 6-8, held in Children’s Library. Registration is required. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Book Discussion Club, 5 p.m. fourth Monday of each month at LCPL, Stanford. Copies may be picked up at circulation desk; new members welcome at any time. Info: (606) 365-7513.
4th Monday Book Club, 5 p.m. March 26 at LCPL, Stanford.New members always welcome! Pick up your copy today. Light refreshments provided. March’s selected title is “Beneath a Marble Sky” by John Shors. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Minecraft Club, 6 p.m. Tuesday at LCPL, Stanford. Info: www.lcplinfo.org, (606) 365-7513.
Lego Club, second and fourth Tuesday of the month at Lincoln County Public Library (LCPL), 201 Lancaster St., Stanford, Stanford. Info: www.lcplinfo.org, (606) 365-7513.
Art Club, noon-3 p.m. last Tuesday of every month at GCAC, Lancaster. Open to everyone in all mediums. Come have fun and work on your own project while being inspired with fellow artists; bring a snack to share. Free. Info: www.garrardarts.com, (859) 948-6988.
Mystery Book Club, 1 p.m. second Wednesday of each month at GCPL, 101 Lexington St., Lancaster. Stop by the library to pick book up at circulation desk. Info: (859) 792-3424.
Happy Scrappers Scrapbook Club, 10 a.m.-2:30 p.m. third Saturday of the month in Community Room 2 at LCPL, Stanford. New participants are welcome. Info: www.lcplinfo.org, (606) 365-7513.
Now Playing Night, 5 p.m. tonight (Thursday, March 1) at BCPL, Danville. Now Playing Night. Hang out at the library to play board games while watching an animated film from 2008 about an elephant who finds a society of microscopic creatures living on a speck of dust. (Rated G). For ages 9-13. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Protect Your History: Archival Scrapbooks, 2 p.m. Saturday at BCPL, Danville. Learn about protecting your old scrapbooks and proper materials to use in your new scrapbooks. Held in the Community Room. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Meditation Monday, 6:30 p.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville. New this year, the library will provide a quiet space for anyone wanting to meditate. A guided session will be offered once a month. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Coloring & Conversation, 6 p.m. March 8 at BCPL, Danville. Enjoy the relaxing atmosphere of the Library’s coloring club for adults. This monthly program is offered in partnership with the Boyle County Extension Office. It will be held in the Mahan Gallery. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Whoooo’s Ready to Learn? A School Readiness Event, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Tuesday at LCPL), Stanford. Hosted by the Lincoln County Community Early Childhood Council, each family will receive a FREE kindergarten readiness kit (while supplies last). Fun age appropriate activities for children (ages 3-5). Tips and information for parents. Alternative activities will be provided for older siblings. Last admission at 6 p.m. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Prime Time Family Reading Time, 6 p.m. Thursdays through March 22 at LCPL, Stanford. A special six-week program of storytelling, reading and discussion for parents and children aged 6 to 10. Presented by discussion leader, Dr. Chris Begley & storyteller, Yolantha Harrison-Pace. Dinner provided, door prizes awarded, and transportation available. Registration is required. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Tween Advisory Group (TAG), 4 p.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville. Volunteer your time at the library and help plan events for tweens. This month we’ll plan upcoming programs and make popsicle puzzles. Snacks are provided. For ages 9-13. Info: (859) 238-7323.
French Café, 5 p.m. Monday at BCPL, Danville. Meet with other French speakers to practice in casual conversation. All levels are welcome. Tous les bienvenus. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Night at the Museum, March 16-17 at CAC, Danville. Grab your sleeping bag and get ready for a fun-filled sleepover at the Community Arts Center! We’ll enjoy St. Patrick’s Day art activities, play games, go on an art scavenger hunt, and watch a movie. Drop-off at 6:30 p.m., pickup at 8:30 a.m.; for children in 2nd-6th grades. Cost is $40. Info: communityartscenter.net; (859) 236-4054.
Kids Concert with Evan and Vanessa, 11 a.m. March 10 at CAC. Evan and Vanessa is a bilingual, Louisville-based children’s band with a background in Montessori education methods. Drawing influences from the likes of Tiny Tim, Mr. Rogers, Charlie Chaplin, Shel Silverstein, Roald Dahl, Shari Lewis, Hayao Miyazaki, and many other timeless entertainers and teachers, they have spent years crafting their special music. Their upbeat songs in Spanish and English delight audiences of all ages. Cost of admission is a donation to support the Arts Center’s programs. The cost of admission to this family-friendly musical event is a donation to support the Arts Center’s programs. Info: communityartscenter.net; (859) 236-4054.
Genealogy For Beginners, 4:30 p.m. March 21 at LCPL, Stanford. For anyone wanting to find out more about their family history, will teach basics and more. Registration required. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Frontier Clothing: What did my ancestors wear?, 1 p.m. March 24 at LCPL, Stanford. Jeanette Hillard, 18th century clothier, making period clothing for 20 years, and her husband, Archie, will demonstrate the clothing types worn by Kentucky Settlers. She will have both men’s and women’s period clothing to try on and purchase. Info: (606) 365-7513.
The Women’s Network presents Carolyn Dupont on criminal justice reform, 7 p.m. March 13 at the Inter-County Community Room, 1009 Hustonville Road, Danville. This is an open meeting for the community. Dupont is a history professor at EKU whose specialties include African-American history. She’s on the Commonwealth Policy Institute (CPI) working group on criminal justice reform. Her talk will start by placing the criminal justice system into the historical context of American race relations. She will describe how people brought into the criminal justice system — even for minor offenses — acquire a web of legal, civil and financial disability that can haunt them all their lives.She will also detail the extraordinary costs of mass incarceration on taxpayers. Info: call (859) 236-0305.
Pushing the Limits, 6 p.m. March 29 at LCPL, Stanford. A reading, viewing and discussion series; this month’s theme is heritage. The featured title is “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” by Rebecca Skloot. A light meal will be provided. Copies of program materials will be provided at the time of registration. The series brings together books and video featuring authors, scientists and everyday people who thrive on exploring the natural world. The program is part of a national initiative funded by the National Science Foundation. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Understanding Your Needs: Insurance 101, 9:30 a.m. March 29 at the Boyle County Extension Office, 100 Corporate Drive, Danville. This seminar will cover the basics of home, auto, health and life insurance, with information from the National Association of Insurance Commissioners. Guest speaker, Robert L. McClelland, JD; LLM; CELA, Elder Law Lexington, McClelland & Associates, PLLC, will discuss planning for later life including long term care insurance. There will also be information from the Attorney General’s Office and the Office of Senior Protection and Mediation provided. Registration begins at 9 a.m. Program is free, call (859) 236-4484 to sign up.
In’s and Out’s of Downsizing Your Home, 6 p.m. tonight (Thursday, March 1) at GCEO, Lancaster. Come learn useful strategies about downsizing your home as it relates to you or a family member during this program. Participants must call if want to attend. Info: (859) 792-3026.
Meet the Author William Stafford, 6:30 p.m. March 20 at LCPL, Stanford. Local author Stafford will discuss his new book “Adam Smith and The Tower of Justice” and the self-publishing process. If you are a book lover or interested in learning about the self-publishing process, join us at the Lincoln County Public Library for the evening. Copies of the book will be available for purchase. Light refreshments will be served. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Tech Tuesdays, 6-7 p.m. Tuesdays at LCPL, Stanford. Children ages 8-18 are invited to attend. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Zentangle and adult coloring, 10 a.m.-noon and 6-8 p.m. every third Thursday of the month at LCPL, Stanford. Create new Zentangle projects or relax with adult coloring. Registration required. Info: (606) 365-7513.
Ceramic Creations by Jaque, 535 S. Fourth St., Danville. A paint-your-own pottery studio, open 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday. Cost is $10 and up. Info: (859) 236-7288.
McDowell House Museum and Apothecary Shop, 125 S. Second St., Danville. A National Historic Landmark offering tours through Dr. Ephraim McDowell’s home. Museum hours: 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday-Saturday, 2-4 p.m. Sunday. The Gift Shop at Constitution Square, 134 S. Second St., Danville, sells Kentucky-made items. Info: (859) 236-2804 for museum; 236-2803 for gift shop.
Paint Your Own Pottery Studio, inside of CAC, Danville. Private rentals begin at $40, plus the cost of bisque for a two-hour event. Info: (859) 236-4054, communityartscenter.net.
The Great American Dollhouse Museum, 344 Swope Dr., Danville. Hours are 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday-Saturday. Cost is $7/adults, $5/children 2-12. Info: (859) 583-8000, thedollhousemuseum.com.
Boyle County Public Library Storytimes: Toddler (18 months-2 years) at 10:30 a.m. Tuesdays; Preschool (ages 3-5) at 11:30 a.m. Tuesdays and 10:30 a.m. Wednesdays; Homeschool, 11:30 a.m. Wednesdayas. Info: (859) 238-7323.
Garrard County Public Library Storytimes: 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 1 p.m. Thursdays. No storytime if special programs held at same time. Info: (859) 792-3424.
Lincoln County Public Library Storytimes: Toddler Tales, 10 a.m. Thursdays; Preschool, 11 a.m. Thursdays. Info: lcplinfo.org., (606) 365-7513. The library also offers six other storytimes weekly, as well as monthly Science Time for preschoolers: 10 a.m. Mondays at McKinney Baptist Church; 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Pleasant View Baptist Church; 10 a.m. Wednesdays at Crab Orchard City Hall; 10 a.m. Thursdays at Westside Community United Methodist Church.