News briefs, March 10
Published 12:03 pm Saturday, March 10, 2018
LC Homemakers to host International Event
Lincoln County Extension Homemakers will host their annual International Event on Tuesday, March 20 at 6 p.m. at the Lincoln County Extension Office.
The 2018 country of study is Wales. Participants will be able to gain knowledge of this country as well as enjoy food prepared from Walsh recipes. Esther Bailey will be the featured speaker for the evening. She will share pictures and information about the country and the way of life of its people.
All proceeds will be donated to the Filipina Club. This is a club the Lincoln County Homemakers sponsor in the Philippines. Members there will be doing a feeding program and school supply drive for children. They will also furnish the children with flip flops to wear as they walk to school.
Please plan to attend and bring friends and family. You can broaden your knowledge, enjoy new foods, and most importantly, help to enrich the lives of many children. The cost is $5 per person, RSVP at (606) 365-2447 by Thursday, March 15.
BCTC to host Job Fair
Bluegrass Community and Technical College is hosting a job fair. The event takes place Wednesday, March 28, from 10 a.m.. to 2 p.m. at the BCTC Danville Campus, 59 Corporate Drive, Danville, KY
Several businesses will be there including LSC Communications, Ephraim McDowell Health, Berry Global, Meggitt Aircraft Braking Systems, Pitman Creek Wholesale, Honeywell Intelligrated, National Office Furniture and many more.
These companies will be providing information on employment opportunities and career pathways.
BCTC Career Center recommends coming prepared to interview with resume and any other relevant information for employers.
Boyle County Board of Education – 5 p.m. Thursday, March 15, Boyle County High School Library. Agenda for the special called board meeting includes: student disciplinary hearing; appointment of hearing officer; executive session; regular session.
Boyle County Fiscal Court – 10 a.m. Tuesday, March 13, in Room 106 at Boyle County Courthouse. Agenda includes: county road update, Economic Development Partnership, Family Services, Convention and Visitors Bureau, White’s Park; Public Works; RS Bridge Program Projects; Discretionary Fund Projects; Conservation District proposed 2018-19 budget; jail alarm system, County Clerk reports.