Lots of turmoil in education right now

Published 1:54 pm Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Dear Editor,

Wow! Springtime in Kentucky — so much turmoil in the weather and the politics of public education.

First, the heartbreaking decision not to renew Dr. Look’s position as superintendent of the Danville School system. A decision that still baffles me since all board members agreed that Dr. Look had built a strong team of exceptional educators for the Danville schools. He has great support from the teachers and classified staff. Danville will miss his support of all students, not just the select few.

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Second, the politicizing of the State Board of Education. I have been appalled at the Republican leadership this past month in the state of Kentucky. I support public education and teachers. The terrible comments that was expressed last week by our governor reflects negatively for every citizen in the state of Kentucky. If he is so concerned about our students, he should be putting more money into public education and social services instead of cutting their budgets.

Last, I want to encourage all Danville citizens to register and vote in the upcoming elections. For those that say their vote does not matter, I say your vote does matter — that is the only way we as a community can change status quo  of our education board, city, county and state government.

Loudetta Robertson
