A great day

Published 6:07 am Thursday, July 26, 2018

Dr. Barbara L. Hall, Stodghill Professor of Music, Emerita, with Centre College, works to lead the Sumer Singers group during a recent practice.

A free concert, titled “Great Day — A Musical Calendar,” will be performed by the Summer Singers 7:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Presbyterian Church of Danville, at the corner of Main and Fifth streets. Celebrating eight special days, including Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day, Christmas, Fourth of July and Veteran’s Day, among others, the concert will feature music in a wide variety of styles, from Renaissance to jazz. David Underwood-Sweet, a member, contributed the above pictures. “I always look forward to singing each year. Barbara is a dynamic conductor and fun to work for,” he said. “She insists on quality and precision, when when we get there, we work to put the heart and soul into the sounds.”

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