Stay together
Published 12:31 pm Thursday, April 9, 2020
As we wade through the pandemic and the hardships of business closings the economy versus health concerns controversy has arisen. This like many other issues that have different points of view gets to be a bit heavy as each side wants to drive home their point of view.
Middle ground, there is always middle ground! Restaurants as an example have taken a huge hit and yet try to remain solvent with take outs and deliveries. Support them! Grocery stores and other stores that provide necessary home goods are allowed to stay open with precautionary measures in place. Respect those measures!
Healthcare institutions and healthcare providers have no other choice than to remain available and exercise precautions. And the same for our first responders. It is their chosen responsibility and I commend and applaud them for it.
The pandemic and the economic forecast are dark clouds, but Mother Nature (at least here in Kentucky) has provided a lot of beautiful sunshine. Be thankful you are alive, hopefully healthy, and encourage others to support responsibly.
As has been said by many of our commonwealth and national leaders, “We’re in this together,” so let’s get through it together!
Rick Serres