From our files
Published 10:32 am Saturday, May 9, 2020
100 YEARS AGO — 1920
Our good friend, George M. Harmon, of Perryville, came to Danville today to receive the new Ford car he bought from Danville Motor Co. several months ago. We are hoping and expecting to see Mr. Harmon driving his car like a veteran in a few days.
The tax in Boyle County for the year 1920, will be $1.35 on each $100 of taxable property. This amount includes 40 cents of state tax; 10 cents for ordinary fund; 10 cents for dirt road fund; 18 cents for turnpike fund; 27 cents for federal highway fund; and 30 cents for school fund.
This newspaper has already called attention of the residents of Danville to the law requiring all hog owners to remove them out of the city and supposes all have complied with the law. A lady reader of this paper phoned this morning and made an appeal for us to urge those who owned hogs just outside the city limits, and kept them in enclosures, to please flush the pens. At least clean them frequently in order to avoid a possible epidemic of typhoid fever.
The following homes are for sale by R.C. Hatfield Realty & Insurance Co.: 11-rooms, 2 baths, lights, hot water furnace, hardwood floors, sleeping porch on a 103×520-foot lot, $11,500: New 5-room, modern bungalow, splendid dry basement, furnace, bath, lights, automatic water hears, $6,500: 6-room house with one bath, lights, cellar, orchard and grape arbor, $3,500.
75 YEARS AGO — 1945
Headlines: VICTORY; V-E Day formally proclaimed by Big Three Powers; Proclamation on end of war in Europe by The President of the United States
President Truman proclaimed today “complete and final” victory in the European theater of the greatest war in history. “Our victory is but half won. The west is free, but the east is still in bondage to the treacherous tyranny of the Japanese.” … It was President Truman’s 61st birthday, his first in the White House, and he described it as “a solemn but glorious hour.”
Reports say the battered remains of Adolf Hitler has been found in the ruins of Berlin by a Russian general.
Members of the Danville Kiwanis Club held their annual Mother’s Day observance with a special luncheon honoring the mothers and wives of club members.
50 YEARS AGO — 1970
University of Kentucky President Otis Singletary announced that the campus would remain open, but the commencement exercises scheduled for next week have been postponed. “The state of emergency that has already been proclaimed continues to exist on the Lexington campus,” Singletary said. “The presence of disruptive groups makes it imperative that the Kentucky State Police and the National Guard remain for the protection of life and property.”
The Centre College faculty executive council voted unanimously to suspend all Centre classes today in observance of a Day of Concern. The day is being given over to a variety of activities planned by an ad hoc committee formed by student initiative, which stemmed from the recent killing of four Kent State students.
The next term of Boyle Circuit Court will be held in the newly formed 50th Judicial District that is composed of Boyle and Mercer only. It has been emphasized that for about 100 years Boyle county has never furnished the circuit judge.
The first day of picketing of segregated barber shops in Danville by Centre College students resulted in the desegregation of two of the five shops picketed. Bluegrass Barbershop on South Third Street and Walnut Street Barbershop agreed to cut black hair shortly after picketing began at noon on Saturday. The picketing was done in cooperation with the Black Unity Council of Danville. The picketing was organized by Ollie Lee Taylor, a black student from Mobile Alabama. It was the refusal of City Barbershop to cut his hair that resulted in the picketing. The Danville administration fulfilled its promise to cooperate and respect the right of peaceful assembly.
25 YEARS AGO — 1995
Danville City Commission will have three proposals to consider for use of the Federal Building at Main and Fourth streets. An appraisal put the purchase price at $200,000. Uses being explored were commercial office space, city government offices and a brass band museum.
Mikrotec Computer Services will give free access to the worldwide computer network through Centre College, to the Boyle County library, chamber of commerce, Heart of Danville, tourist commission, industrial foundation and Kentucky School for the Deaf. “This will probably be one of the first small libraries to offer Internet to the public,” said library director Karl Benson. “As people get more experience and more familiar with how to navigate, they’ll be able to get a lot of information on the Internet.”
Boyle County Fiscal Court approved $277,450 for community and government agencies at a budget planning meeting. Some of the funds granted include: Danville-Boyle County Senior Citizens Center, $35,000; Boyle County Fair Board, $12,000; Great American Brass Band Festival, $7,500; Heart of Danville, $8,000; Wilderness Trace Child Development Center, $15,000; Pioneer Services, $7,000; and Family Services, $25,000.