From our files, July 10, 2020
Published 8:59 am Friday, July 10, 2020
100 YEARS AGO — 1920
Miss Georgia Ooten, 22, of Danville, was shot three times yesterday in Dayton, Ohio where she is a typist in the Lindsey Building. Her condition has greatly improved following a transfusion of blood, given by her friend. The shooter is W.C. Wysong, 65, who is a decorator and admirer of the girl, and confessed to shooting her. According to mrs. Esla Moore, manager of the rooming house where Miss Ooten and Wysong met, said she told Wysong he was much too old for Ooten. Wyson is quoted as saying, he didn’t care if he was old enough to be her grandfather, “…but her love will make me young again.” Mis Ooten said while recovering at the hospital, “I looked upon Mr. Wysong as I would on a father. He bought clothes for me out of kindness. Recently I would have nothing to do with him and he grew very angry.”
Work on the City Restaurant was completed this morning and the palatial eating cafe is now a place of beauty. The restaurant has been enlarged so that there will be plenty of room for everyone. There will also be one section reserved for women only, which will be quite an addition over the old system.
George W. Hardy, who lives at the Ewing place on Cane Run Avenue in Harrodsburg, has an armchair that in his opinion is the oldest thing of its kind in Kentucky, if not the United States. Mr. Hardy says his wife’s grandmother, Mrs. Hamilton, who would have been 125 years old were she still alive, gae this chair to his wife and told her at the time that she had inherited it from her grandmother, who had come into possession of it through her grandmother. The chair is a large and cozy one, with a hickory split bottom and Hardy is convinced that it is 250 years old. Mr. Hardy, who is 77, carried a musket through the Civil War and now spends much of his time in this comfortable chair on his front veranda watching the younger generation speed by in automobiles, some of them at the rate of 40 or more miles an hour.
75 YEARS AGO — 1945
Master James Lionel Rice, son of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Rice, celebrated his third birthday at a party at the home of his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. L.L. Robinson on Fourth Street. Those present were Caroline and Billy Huffman, Clifford J. and Bobby Cocanougher, Donnie Henry, Buddie Sallee, Chad Write, Jackie Colyer and George Bruse Lester.
A plea for an ordinance to control unhygienic livestock conditions within the city limits was discussed at the city council meeting. Health Officer Dr. P.C. Sanders said he’s investigated numerous cases of unsanitary maintenance of cows, and cited the accumulation of “dump heaps” within 100 feet of Main Street at several locations. “It is my belief that flies and the spread of polio go hand-in-hand and I cannot enforce a clean-up order under the existing nuisance ordinance,” he said.
Monthly payments from old age and survivors insurance in the 11 counties serviced by the Frankfort field office of the Social Security Board, increased extensively during the first six months of 1945. In Boyle County, 85 men, women and children are receiving monthly payments amounting to 1,376.65.
Two more Boyle County brothers have been reunited at their home after a separation lasting two years. They are J. Goebel Hicks Jr. and Carl Edwin Hicks, sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. Goebel Hicks, farmers and landowners. Both young men were former 4-H Club members.
Sergeant George D. Barker, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Barker of Route 1, Danville, is a member of a signal service company which recently played a part in the recent linking of Calcutta with China, by telephone. Before entering service, Barker was employed by the Boyle Bank and Trust Company.
50 YEARS AGO — 1970
Alex Stevens was appointed as principal of Danville Bate Junior High School, and a classroom unit for emotionally disturbed children at Edna Toliver Elementary School. Stevens succeeds Ken Snowden, who was appointed as assistant superintendent of Danville City Schools following the resignation last month of Russell Goodaker.
Work on leveling the site of the new Boyle County Middle School has begun, including the clearing of trees. The school is to be located west of the main Bole county High School complex, separated by an expanse of greenery. The school will take the pressure off other schools, some of which are crowded, and will permit a more efficient instructional program to keep pace with the changing educational standards.
25 YEARS AGO — 1995
Crab Orchard is offering a reward for information on a crime that occurred after the Fourth of July celebration in town on Jul 1-2. About 48 flags were stolen and the city commission is offering a $200 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the thieves.
The Danville Board of Education gave classified employees raises of 20 to 2 cents an hour. A starting custodian with no experience will make 4.80 an hour under the new salary schedule, while a starting secretary to the superintendent with five year’s experience will make $9.32 an hour. The highest classified level pays 15.50 an hour under the new schedule.
Mackville Road now will be called the name it goes by anyway: Battlefield Road. The Boyle County Fiscal Court approved the name change after 24 residents on the road submitted a petition. The name change will affect the section from Perryville to the county line
The Housing Authority of Danville will receive a $113,500 grant from a Department of Housing and Urban Development program designed to combat drug-related crime and offer drug abuse programs. The two-year grant will be used here to increase police patrols of Housing Authority areas and provide educational and leadership programs.