James Ross and his green thumb are Danville treasurers

Published 4:04 pm Friday, August 14, 2020

Many thanks to Susan Jonas for the excellent article in the Advocate-Messenger that featured James Ross and his work at Constitution Square.

James has also been the head gardener at McDowell House Museum for the past two years and we are delighted to have him on board. He actually has worked as a volunteer at the museum since he returned to Danville a decade ago and is responsible for planting the productive Kitchen Garden.

I have often said that everything James touches turns green and grows like he sprinkled magic dust on the surface. Shrubs outgrow their spaces, flowers bloom brighter, and even annuals return for another season under his care. We are so lucky to have him.

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If you have a chance, look over the picket fence at McDowell House sometime soon and you will see the results of his handy work there. James Ross, a Danville treasure!!!

Linda Porter

Garden Chair

McDowell House Board of Managers