From our files, Aug. 28, 2020
Published 4:42 am Saturday, August 29, 2020
100 YEARS AGO — 1920
On Friday evening Messrs. Gwinn entertained their friends at their home, “Craggy Bluff Farm” near Danville. About 90 guests from Danville, Harrodsburg and Burgin enjoyed the occasion. The lawn was beautifully lighted with Japanese lanterns, and as the young people moved to and fro on the velvety grass, there was a scene created of rare beauty and gaiety. The house, which is ideal for entertaining, was beautiful with the golden glow of sunflowers and white cosmos.
Little Miss Jewell Kreiner, the 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kreiner, was bitten in the neck on Thursday by an old dog of Mr. E. R. Galbreath while playing on the sidewalk near her home. The dog was shot as soon as it was found.
The women of Boyle County will probably be given an important role in conducting the election this fall, according to Sheriff Farris. With four additional precincts in the city, new election clerks must be named. The election commissioners are facing quite a problem in the appointment of these clerks and women voters appear to be the only solution. There is no reason why a woman could not fill the place equally as well as a man and with a little tutoring, she would prove even more efficient in the coming election.
Danville High School will begin Monday, Sept. 13 at 8:45 a.m. It’s science department has been strengthened by the addition of a chemistry laboratory, which together with its well-equipped physics laboratory gives the school science equipment as good as the best. In addition to physics and chemistry, the school will have a strong course in general science for the lower classes.
75 YEARS AGO — 1945
A new type of grass cutter applies power plus speed to the age-old principle of the sickle. Mounted on rubber wheels and resembling an industrial floor scrubber, the unit consists of a one and half horsepower gasoline engine which spins a double-bladed arm at 3,000 rotations per minute. The whirling action, it is claimed, creates a suction which draws up down-trodden grass to be cut and then sprays the clippings as mulch. The novel construction permits trimming close to walks and even under bushes.
Capitol Hill resounded with clamor, for further official investigation of Pearl Harbor. Legislative leaders of both parties declared flatly that if courts martial are not ordered for those censured in Army-Navy findings, Congress will conduct its own hearings. Meanwhile, the State department released a letter written by former Secretary of State Hull Sept. 28, 1944, in which Hull staunchly denied that his pre-war counter proposals to Japan constituted an ultimatum that proved the Japanese sneak attack on Pearl Harbor. The Army board’s report on the disaster had said Hull “touched the button” that started the war.
Private First Class James W. Boyd, son of Alfred Boyd of Junction City, has been awarded the Purple Heart for wounds received in action at Mount Mataba, Luzon. Boyd is now fully recovered and has returned to duty with his organization, the 20th Infantry Regiment of the Red Start 6th Infantry Division, which has been mopping up remnants of Japan resistance at the Cordillera mountains of northern Luzon.
Marine Privates Sammie Dexter, son of Mr. and MRs. Frank Dexter of South Third Street, and Eugene Leigh, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Leigh of Baughman Heights, left Friday night for Camp LeJune, to which they were recently assigned following the completion of their basic training courses at Parris Island. The young Marines, arriving at Parris Island about at the hour the news of the war’s end was received, were given 15-day leaves which both spent at their parents’ homes. The young men are boyhood friends and attended Danville High School.
50 YEARS AGO — 1970
Danville sees the start of 200 new living units. At the present time there are three projects under construction. Danville Municipal Housing is building 60 apartments for the elderly that will accommodate about 90 people on West Lexington Avenue. Ninety two units are being built on East Main Street on the old Raleigh Crook’s farm. And on the old Marcum property, near Kentucky Towers, there is a development that will offer 48 units.
New teachers in the Danville City School system include: Doris Con, Sally Smith, Kenny Orleman, Sue Cummins, Given Carlisle, Cynthia Edwards, Carolyn Swain, Michael Swain, Wayne Morris, David Davis, John Chitwood, Carol Stopper, Gail Combs, Jane Scarborough, Charlotte Thompson, Rebecca Watson, Sandra Schneiter, Sarah Wagers, Barbara Green, Thomas Lynn, Bridie Dryden, Pat Jones, Margaret Vargo, Rosella Geo Ja-Ja and Iras Sweasy.
More than 2,000 Kentucky High School musicians are preparing for the prestigious Danville Invitational Band Contest to be held at Centre College Stadium on Sept. 12. Total attendance is expected to exceed 6,000.
25 YEARS AGO — 1995
A new facility to house 40 babies of mothers incarcerated in prison was dedicated in Casey County. The Angel House currently houses nine babies who were taken from their mothers at birth. They are allowed to visit their mothers a few hours weekly if they are in prison nearby. Sandy Tucker, with her husband Jerry, operate Galilean Home Ministries and the Casey County Angel House. Another Angel House is located in Jacksboro, Texas.
Danville High School’s Bob Rowland has been named Kentucky Principal of the Year for the second time in three years.
A new financial institution born from an old one will be opening in downtown Danville this fall. Jim Sullivan, senior trust officer at the Bank of Danville and Trust Col, will be leaving the bank to start an independent trust company. He will become its president and chief executive officer. The firm will be called Central Kentucky Trust Co., and will be only the fifth independent trust company in Kentucky.
The job as recreation director for Boyle County has been offered to John Drake of Somerset who has 13 years of experience. Tom Bryant, chairman of the Danville-Boyle county Recreation Board said that Drake has not yet accepted the position.
Valves along a 92-mile gas pipeline that runs through Casey, Garrard and Lincoln counties are being replaced and other maintenance is being done as a safety measure by Tennessee Gas Pipeline Co. The pipeline, constructed in 1959-60, runs along the countryside from Campbellsville to Clay City. The company also has replaced about 2,200 feet of pipeline near Walmart Supercenter and across Brenda Avenue in Danville.