Where can we turn?
Published 8:38 am Tuesday, January 19, 2021
I am 80 and my wife is 75. We are both retired from public service — my wife as a nurse and from the Commonwealth of Kentucky. I am retired from the military and Department of Corrections.
Each day we watch as people from Canada and Mexico and minor elected officials get their their protection from the COVID-19 virus. We on the other hand can not get information when our turn will come up. No one seems to have any information.
Don’t get me wrong, front line medical workers deserve to be first in line. But what about people in our age group. If we get COVID we have a death sentence.
Someone some where should be able to help. From what I can find out is that our president is playing golf, our governor sent our supply to Lexington, our health department, along with medical support is totally in the dark. Where else can we turn?
Jack Shepherd