From our files, Oct. 29

Published 8:00 am Friday, October 29, 2021


100 years ago — 1921

• Plans for the Armistice Day celebration were completed by the Danville Woman’s Club in conjunction with Boyle County Post, American Legion, for a public celebration of Armistice Day on November 11. The event was planned at noon in front of McDowell Park. Ex-servicemen in Danville and Boyle County dressed in uniform will march behind the Danville band. Carlisle Minor, chairman of the Boyle Chapter American Red Cross, will be master of ceremonies.

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• Ten thousand people from all over Kentucky were expected to attend the Centre-State football game. All 6,000 tickets for reserve seats were sold. The will have lunch on a train from Lexington to Danville. Many will stay over for a dance after the game.

• Centre College students sold a book, “First Down, Kentucky”, the story of Old Centre’s football players, written by Ralph Paine, who came to Danville to gather facts for the book. “Bo” McMillan, noted football star, is the hero of the book, and other players on the team are given places of prominence. Price was $1.75 per copy and were on sale at the Danville Daily Messenger office.

• All churches in Danville united in a union prayer meeting Mary Harrison of Lexington spoke on disarmament conference at the meeting in the Christian Church.

• Boyle County voters were urged by George Colvin, state school superintendent, to vote yes on two proposed school amendments in the upcoming election. The amendments provide for taking the office of state school superintendent out of politics and permitting the superintendent to succeed himself, and the other one provides help for educating students in poor counties. If the adoption of the amendments carry the state, legislature will be permitted to adopt new laws covering the subjects.

75 YEARS AGO – 1946

• Boyle County chapter of the American Red Cross has asked for assistance in meeting an urgent request from the national headquarters for 10,000 gift packages for the “Christmas on the High Seas” program. The project makes gifts available to transports of ports of embarkation for men spending Christmas at sea.

• Kentucky State Hospital Guild of Danville, on be half of patients at the institution on Shakertown Road, was launched with 10 volunteers workers to assume duties as assistants to 30 patients. Mrs. Frank Medaris, guild president, will supervise the project. The group will assist patients with writing, letter writing, reading, games, and singing.

• Boyle County youths will show 64 calves at the county 4-H Baby Beef Club competition. The cattle will be displayed by local youths at the 25th annual Kentucky fate Cattle Show and Sale at Bourbon stockyards in Louisville. Cash prizes totaling $3,728 was to be divided among the 4-H club exhibitors.

• An exhibit of children’s books, in conjunction with National Book Week, is on display at Young-Rodes Library. Young people, parents, teachers and others interested in juvenile literature, are invited.

50 YEARS AGO — 1971

• Three incumbents and and a former member were elected to two-year terms on the Danville City Commission by voters in the election. A. J. Exon led the ticket with 1,623 votes. Ronnie G. Logue got 1,220 votes and H.T. Gibson got 1,299 votes. George Harlan was reelected with 1,106 votes, Fred F. Stone got 1,092 votes and Joe Marshall finished sixth in the race with 989 votes.

• Robert Baughman of Stanford was named interim principal at Kentucky School for the Deaf. He succeeds W. Winfield McChord Jr., who was assume his new duties as superintendent of KSD. Baughman has been supervising teacher of the vocational department of KSD.

• The local United Community Fund recognized employees at Parks-Belk for their 100 percent participation in the UCF campaign. Every employee contributed.

• Grand opening and open house was held at the Danville Transportation Center, North Second Street. The center serves the Greyhound and Trailway bus lines in Danville.

• Danville native John Fetterman of Louisville, is the author of an article in a recent issue of “National Geographic” on the “People of Cumberland Gap.” He also wrote a book “Stinking Creek” about mountain people, published in 1967.

25 YEARS AGO — 1996

• Area county clerks expected a good voter turnout in the general election. “ I think we’re looking at a good turnout here — at least more than the 52 percent the secretary of state is predicting statewide,” said Boyle clerk John B. Nichols. He said 410 absentee ballots were returned and that’s more than the record of 402 in the 1992 presidential election.

• Barry W. Muniz created his own line dancing steps. The 51-year Danville resident began choreographing dances about two years ago, adding rhythm in some places, extra steps in others. He wasn’t always interested in music that line dance traditionally uses. “I hated country music. I liked rock and roll.” He changed his mind after his mother, Sadie Query, who teaches line dance, persuaded him to attend her class.

• The Presbyterian Church of Danville scheduled open house and invited the community to tour the newly renovated and enlarged building. Built in 1784, the first Presbyterian church west of the Alleghenies, and the sanctuary was erected in 1831. The renovation included the sanctuary, addition of Fellowship Hall, a new kitchen, activities room, an elevator and automatic doors for the handicapped, modernization of existing offices and educational spaces, and creation of an interior, landscaped courtyard. Joanie Lukins and Irvine Fox co-chaired the renovation committee.

• Ephraim McDowell Auxiliary Bazaar will have evening hours for the first time in its 40th year history. Kathy Simpson, president, said the hours were changed per requests. She added the auxiliary wants to accommodate working folks with the new hours. Besides food, event will feature a Christmas booth and Country Store.