From Our Files Nov. 12, 2021
Published 7:00 am Friday, November 12, 2021
100 YEARS AGO — 1921
• Readers were reminded of why they should belong to the Red Cross because it helps Boyle County’s 114 disabled ex-servicemen and their families; safeguards homes with a nurse to serve the families in their homes with visits and nursing needs for children and adults; and it looks after the health of 2,015 school children in the county.
• The Citizens Party chose Dr. Samuel R. Cheek as mayor for Danville, succeeding W.O. McIntyre, who served the past four years. The Democratic Party chose Councilman J.A. Robinson to run in the upcoming election.
• T.W. Adams, field secretary of the Kentucky Motor Club, appeared before the Danville Chamber of Commerce, and opposed the two-dollar horsepower state automobile license tax, and outlined the purpose of the club in reference to legal proceedings.
75 YEARS AGO — 1946
• Danville will receive a touch of the Yuletide season when the Hub department store, in keeping an annual tradition, unveils its front and side display windows containing something new in Christmas display, design and colors. Each window will have a different theme from modern to Old English.
• James Burden, employee of Kentucky School for the Deaf, purchased a motor scooter to ride the more than a mile daily trip from his home to the school and back home.
• William B. Martin of East Main Street has opened a real estate office in the Old Bank building next to the courthouse.
• Glenn Hundley was elected president of the 4-H Club of Boyle County at its annual banquet. He replaces M. Carlisle Minor. Thirty-nine boys and girls, and their parents and guests attended the event.
• Eighteen canvassers will solicit the business district of Danville during the Community Fund Drive. Chairman Gerald L. McGeal will assign territories and supplies during a breakfast at the Maple Avenue School cafeteria. The goal is $11,000 and will benefit the Boy scouts, Neighborhood Home and Family Welfare Association.
50 YEARS AGO —1971
• The Lions Club’s annual Radio Auction was held in the evenings over WHIR Radio. A special ladies auction was included.
• Two Danville High School seniors were among 85 students in the Richmond Region selected for the All-State Band tryouts. Rebecca Newhall, who plays the flute, will be a member of the All-State band for the second consecutive year, and Bill Howell, who plays the cornet, also was selected. Boyle County High had four participants: Jimmy Overstreet, cornet; Debbie Edwards, clarinet; Mike Thompson, french horn; and Don Pack, percussion. Results were announced later.
• County Clerk John B. Nichols III said 212 tags were sold to deer hunters the week, including 128 this month.
• Local residents were urged to save metal cans and other scrap metal for collection in December. Metal was taken to Greenleaf Shopping Center and hauled away to the metals to be salvaged. The project was sponsored by Danville Branch of the American Association of University Women. Jack Kellum of Centre College, Little Garden Club of Danville, the Key Club of Kentucky School for the Deaf also helped with the project.
• Local Airman Staff Sergeant Bill A. Cox, was a member of the Tyndall Air Force Base fuels management branch that ere judged by the American Petroleum Institute as the best for the second consecutive year. The unit was cited for outstanding management. The unit was also selected the best in the Aerospace Defense Command for 1971.
25 YEARS AGO — 1996
• Errol Willett, visiting assistant professor art at Centre College, and students in his ceramics class were firing a 40-foot Anagama kiln this week. People interested in ceramics and wood firing were invited to stop by and see the work in progress.
• Allen White set the tone for the two years he will serve as mayor as he presided over his first meeting. “We need to work on communication,” he told the council and visitors at the November meeting.”If you’ve got a problem, we’ve all got a problem,” he added. White had been on the City Council for several years.
• The Boyle county Public Works Department began razing the old Boyle County Health Department building on South Third street. They used backhoes to tear down the building and hauled off the debris in dump trucks. A new building is adjacent to the old one.
• Kitty. R. Baird, associate director of athletics and professor of physical education at Centre College, received a 1996 SHEPERD Award from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro. It honors alumni for significant contributions to their professions and communities. She came to Centre in 1959.
• Salvation Army began its annual Christmas Kettle Drive in Constitutions Square. The Kettle Drive had been a tradition in Danville for 49 years.