Danville Recovery Center Introduces New Approach to Treatment and Recovery

Published 1:21 pm Tuesday, December 31, 2024

All Together Recovery (ATR), a new licensed 50-bed men’s residential addiction treatment center, opened this month on Letton Drive in Boyle County, the first of its kind in the county. ATR will operate recovery centers and is partnered by Tammy LaPalme, retired co-founder at Isaiah House and managing partner of the project, and Djuana Reed the Marketing manager,  intended to meet the demand for comprehensive addiction treatment across the region.

Modeling the Provincial for Power and Establishment

At the core of ATR’s program is the Trait-Based Model of Recovery, the brainchild of Dr. Jason Roop. This implies with the help of methods such as the strength-based approach, this approach goes into individual lineaments which come in various formats like— resilience, creativity, or empathy, the organization works to achieve a condition where the individual becomes the agent of change.

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At ATR, everything from initial assessments to customized recovery plans is guided by the Trait-Based Model. Research indicates that this method can improve engagement, increase motivation, and decrease rates of relapse, providing clients with the tools and confidence necessary for lasting recovery.

Supporting the Community

Serving as the first of its kind in the area, ATR provides essential services to Danville, such as residential treatment, intensive outpatient care, and transitional recovery housing for alumni. Through its nonprofit organization, Healing Families Together, the center assists families as well.

“…we are actively working to remove barriers that may prevent individuals from seeking treatment,” Reed said. ATR is working to credential with Kentucky Medicaid and private payers and plans to accept KORE and UNITE vouchers.

Together for Long-Term Success and Community Partners

Recovery doesn’t stop when you complete treatment; ATR is dedicated to helping its clients beyond their time in treatment. Graduates will have access to transitional housing, peer support services, and targeted case management to help with establishing and working towards goals. The center also stresses reintegration into society, exploring partnerships with businesses, churches, and recreational groups to open opportunities for employment and community fellowship.

“Our program was designed by those in recovery in partnership with clinical and medical professionals,” Reed said. “We merge personal experience with evidence-based practices to address the whole person.”

How the Community Can Help

ATR also welcomes local businesses and organizations to support its mission and offer second-chance opportunities for its clients, such as job placements and mentorship. So they’re also inviting community members to come by the center, tour the place, and learn more about its services.

“We are truly to be in a community that believes in recovery and second chances,” Reed said.

Whether you know of anyone who needs help, or you need help yourself, ATR is available 24/7 and is staffed by helpers who will assist in either scenario. For more information, go to www. alltogetherrecovery.com or check us out on Facebook at facebook.com/atrecovery1.

Whether you have questions or want to schedule a tour, get in touch with All Together Recovery.