
Measuring what is best depends on which ruler you’re using

BY JACK GODBEY Community columnist When I was in elementary school, our school used to dedicate one entire ...


Senators must vote to impeach

The video chronology at the opening of the second impeachment trial of former president Trump, took me back ...


Library offers hands-on activities at home

BCPL News release The Boyle County Public Library offers numerous activities for its patrons, including “take and make” ...


Pet of the week

By Kari Kuh DBCHS 2021 is off to a great start at DBCHS: all of our adoptable animals ...


Meetings for week of Jan. 25

Danville/Boyle County Convention and Visitors Bureau —  9 a.m. Monday, Jan. 25 at Hampton Inn. Items on the ...


Community college system offers many educational options

Dr. Koffi Akakpo President/CEO Bluegrass Community and Technical College We have faced many challenges since March 2020 when ...


On Cloud 9: Rebels win state championship 31-28 in overtime;
See a large slideshow of images from Friday’s game

By MIKE MARSEE Contributing Writer LEXINGTON — A little more than a year ago, Boyle County left Kroger ...


News briefs

Meeting to discuss housing needs The Women’s Network Boyle County Chapter is having a public meeting to discuss ...


Ringing in the holidays


Danville eliminated from playoffs by Somerset, 48-14

By MARTY WARREN Contributing Writer SOMERSET – Let’s see if I can get this straight. Danville gave up ...

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