From Our Files: Dec. 9-10

Published 9:18 pm Saturday, December 9, 2017

100 YEARS AGO — 1917

Never in the memory of our oldest inhabitants has such weather been experienced so early in December as that which has prevailed for four days. Snow began Friday night and by Saturday morning it was five to six inches deep. Snow fell most of Saturday too. Sunday morning the thermometers in Danville registered from six to 10 below zero. 

Then that afternoon the wind changed course and one of the worst snow storms ever experienced in Kentucky raged almost the entire afternoon. There are many frost bitten ears and feet. Snow has drifted in many places to about six feet. 

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On the Hustonville Road, in the suburbs of Danville, there were seven automobiles almost submerged in a snow drift Saturday night and were left until Sunday when teams were used to extricate them. D.G. Spoonamore, chauffeur for the Taylor, Harmon Auto Livery Co. was driving one of the machines. In his efforts to release the machine he was driving , his ears and feet were frost bitten. There were seven passengers in his car who were waiting for the train in Junction City.

Not only did the passengers try to release the car from the snow drift, but people of wagons loaded with tobacco, who were unable to drive around the string of autos on account of the deep snow, rendered assistance too. An unknown man who was with the tobacco wagons was overcome by the cold and was thought to be dead. He was brought to Danville and later revived. All the passengers were exhausted. Later the bus was sent to the scene, and it also was stalled in the snow and it required much time and efforts of several men to release it. All the passengers and the unknown man were taken to Danville in the bus. It was a thrilling experience for all concerned and one they will never forget.

The salaries of various officers of Danville have been fixed for 1918 and are as follows: Assessor, $200 annually; city clerk, $200 per year; policemen, $80 per month; Chief of police who is also tax collector and commands the fire department shall receive 6 percent of all taxes collected, not to exceed $900 per year, he will also receive $1 for each arrest made and 20 cents for each witness subpoenaed; police judge, $60 per month; city attorney, $60 per month; mayor, $300 per year; and treasurer, $380 per year.

Older people will cut Christmas presents this year and send the money to our soldier boys now fighting our battles. It’s well enough to confine your gifts to little girls and the sissy boys. Grown-ups, or most of them, know conditions today and will save their money.

The sprinkler head in one of the display windows of the Welsh & Wiseman Co. froze and burst yesterday. The window was flooded, but the damage was trivial. It gave their window decorator more work.

It is patriotic to use left over fats not needed for food in the making of soap that is good for cleaning. Here’s how: dissolve 1 can of commercial lye in 3.5 pints of hot water. When this cools, add 5.5 pounds of left over fat that has been clarified by heating with slices of potato. Stir the mixture with a stick. As it becomes a little thick, our into molds of the desired size. Do not put lye into anything but enamel or earthenware. The molds for the soap may be boxes lined with oiled paper.

Beginning Saturday night, it will no longer be necessary to crank your telephone. Manager Wray said that the new system was about completed and everything was expected to be ready for the change by Saturday.

75 YEARS AGO — 1942

With a monthly quota of 124,000 surgical dressings allotted the Red Cross surgical dressing committee of Boyle County, the need for many more volunteers to aid in the work is being pointed out by Mrs. Rodes Read, chairman. A total of 164 women worked during November in 20 days and four night sessions.

Letters to Santa Claus — Dear Santa, I’m much too little to suggest toys for you to bring me, so please dear Santa, choose for me what you think I’d like. I’m only two years old. Don’t forget me. Joseph Norvell, Gravel Switch: Dear Santa: I’m just a small boy and I love you very much. Won’t you please bring me an aeroplane, A Jeep truck like my daddy drives, horse, game and carpenter’s set? I’ll be looking for you. Eugene Norvell, Gravel Switch: Dear Santa, I am just two and one half years old. My mother writes my letters as I can’t write so good. I have been a real good boy this year, except one time. I got mad and slapped Betty Jane, she’s my little baby sister, but I love her, so I’m not going to ask for much so you can bring her something too. Will you please bring me a tricycle, a coloring set and some picture books and fruit and candy and please don’t forget Betty Jane, Edwin C. and Betty Jane Mitchell, Danville: Dear Santa: I am four years old and I’m a good little boy. I want you to come to see me and bring me a stock barn, rubber horses and cows, story book, marbles and candy. Please bring my little brother a rubber ball and a rattler. Bobby Gene Sweazy, Perryville: Dear Santa Claus, I am a girl 14 years old. My name is Thelma Butler and I want a pencil box and a manicure set and my sister wants a doll and buggy and a wrist watch and my biggest brother wants a sled and the other three want a flashlight and my little sister wants a doll and buggy and a rolling horse and lots of good things to eat. With love from all, We hope you come by, Thelma Butler, Perryville. Dear Santa: I am a little boy, four years old and I try to be good. I want you to bring me a little blackboard, a truck, a train and a little red chair. Please bring my little sister a rubber doll. Thank you Santa, your little boy, Curtis Rue Litton, Danville. Dear Santa, I like Christmas and I hope we have some snow. I only want a pair of boots. I buy war bonds and stamps and Christmas seals. I am 8 and in the third grade. Please bring my little sister a doll and some candy. I think that will be all, Jimmy Fitzgerald, Danville: Dear Santa I am four years old and go to school every day. It is kinda hard this year to decide what I would like to have. The first two things I like best would be a large bomber and a few bombs. See, this is the 7th of December. Also a machine gun to help my brother get the Hitler gang. So I am not asking for any more as you need all the money for War Bonds. Please don’t forget my brothers, one in the U.S. Army and one in the U.S. Navy. Thank you dear Santa, Bernard Brant, Danville: Dear Santa, I am four years old and I don’t go to school but I go to Sunday School every Sunday. I have been a good boy. I mind my mother. Santa, we are so glad you are with us this year and haven’t gone to war. Santa, will you please bring me a train, a tractor and a scooter and lots of candy and fruit and nuts. I don’t want much for I know you can’t get the material to make much. Donald Martin Dougherty, Danville.

50 YEARS AGO — 1967

The sixth grade students of Edna L. Toliver School will present the program, “The Gift of Christmas” under the direction of Mrs. Franklin Jarvis, Mrs. E.C. McWhorter, music teacher, and Miss Norma Vanover, student teacher. Narrator will be Lauri Ford. Portraying Faith, Hope and Love will be Anthony Story, Paula Coy and Pam Walker. The nativity scene will include Billie Ann Vest, Mark West, Johnny Smith, Jacki Leese, Larry Weathers, Mark Edwards, Anthony Wilkerson, Steve Barry, Norman Green and Walter Vinyard. Angels will be Tina Boyd, Barbara Singleton, Carol Hall and Marlene Roach. The choir includes Pam Baxer, Sammy Blevins, Owen Buffington, Steve Byerly, Jeff Clark, Charlene Cochran, Pam Cox, Carol Garr, David Genungy, Barbara Gilliam, Edmond Horton, Jimmy Jacobus, Vicki Lyons, Ray Meredith, Teresa Moore, Susan Neale, Cheryl Osborne, Theresa Robinson, Cindy Shannon, Dennis Sherman, Trudy Sims, Terry Smith, Tommy Taylor, Gale Whittle, Jackie Yocum, Pam Weathers, Jeanie Bradshaw, Regina Clark, Danny Coffman, Terry Cook, Anne Cotton, Jerry Jones, Lydia Jones, Zetta Jones, Winifred Miracle, David Potts, Susan Lunsford, Carol Montgomery, Sheryl Murphy, Kathy Payne, Barbara Robertson, Janet Roller, Hazel Short, Eva Smock and Charles Snead.

Headline: Louie B. Nunn is inaugurated as 48th Kentucky governor

The Jennie Rogers first grade students present program, directed by Mrs. Jo Ann Minnic, assisted by teachers Mrs. William Cannon, Miss Ruth Goggin and Mrs. Harry Halcomb. Characters are: Little girls, Francis Brooke, Rachel Fischer, Elizabeth Ingram, Lisa Grubbs, Robin Sargent, Leslie Gordon and Marketta Hoover. Angels are Cynthia Thornburg, Elizabeth Caldwell, Jennifer Fuqua, Becky Crandall, Sue Ballard and Sharon Stratton. Jack Frost is Edward Saunooke. Snowflakes are Jane Dexter, Betsy Hancock, Debbie Fox, Betty Rowland, Melanie Sowder and Laticha Walker. White Christmas is Cora Ann Wilkinson and Santa Claus is John Clay. Christmas trees are Janice Richardson, Debbie Curtis, Audette Rackley, Linda Talley, Reena Daugherty and Ann Lewis. Elves are Terry Thomas, Phillip Purdom, Jimmy Downey, David Evans, James Owsley and Mel Camenisch; Jack-in-the box is Mitch Gumm; Merry Christmas is Debra Alexander; cat is Clark Cottrell and Mouse is Mark Purdom. Christmas candles are Shawn Mountjoy, Libby Snedegar, Oneith Fitzgerald, Kelvin Turner, Todd Lyles and Kath Alexander; Sugar Plum is Tina King. Candy sticks are Sue Lyons Scott Purdom, Steven Kapp, Paul Wilkinson and Keith Preston. Toy soldiers are Troy Gerlach, Scott McMahon, Bucky Bryant, Mike Henson, Todd McAnly, David Perry, Billy Westerman, David Spears and Timmy Smothers. Waltzing doll is Robin Hines; Christmas choir is Whip Strunk, Donna Spoonamore, Beverly Williams, Brenda Lancaster, Rubin Baughman, Evelyn Simpson, Betty Lou Strunk, Helen Emerson, Rachel Baughman, Delores Jarboe, Theresa Roach, William Burton, Paul Sanders, David Robinson, Tommy Richardson, Danny Stallard, Donna Cloyd, Tammy Noel, Debbie Scott, Sam Reid Jr. and Steven Clarkson.

25 YEARS AGO — 1992

The Boyle County Fiscal Court and Danville City Commission each discussed the new Enhanced 911 briefly at their meeting. However, each seem to have a different view of how to pay for the required purchase of a new telephone system needed to hoop up the Enhanced 911 system. Just before South Central Bell was ready to attach its equipment to the telephone system at Danville dispatching center, it was discovered that the two systems do not mesh.

The Danville City Commission voted to return to non-partisan elections. With the change all candidates for mayor and city commission must file by Jan. 26 instead of August 1993. Before, the city races were in essence non-partisan because candidates chose to file as independents. However, under Kentucky election law candidates also can file as Democrats and Republicans unless the city has a non-partisan ordinance.