From our files, Oct. 2, 2016
Published 8:14 am Friday, October 14, 2016
100 YEARS AGO — 1916
The coal and and car shortage is becoming serious everywhere. At Moreland, in Lincoln County, there was no coal in either of the two yards on Saturday, and if the situation is not relieved, the people of this section will have to go to the woods for fuel. The situation is not so bad in Danville, through it is more or less critical. It is hardly necessary to advise those who have not laid in a supply to get busy.
Land is being leased all over Lincoln County for oil and gas experimental drilling with the exception of the northern part of the county. The gradual tracing of the Estill County oil field in this direction confirms more strongly than ever the opinion that the old-timers have held for years that there is a great pool of oil located somewhere under Lincoln County soil. Almost every foot of land around Crab Orchard has been leased to oil concerns, and leases are being taken in the South End and also south of McKinney and Hustonville. The gas well on the farm of M.S. Baughman still supplies his home with light and fuel and has done so for many years. A similar well supplied Mrs. McCarty with light at Mt. Salem until an effort to strengthen it by blasting a large opening actually closed it up.
The female of the species is not asserting itself very strong at the polls for registration today, or at least the ladies had only turned out in exceedingly small numbers as the Advocate goes to press. Eleven had registered at the Court House precinct, five at the Blacksmith shop on Fourth Street, two at the Maninni building precinct and none at the Fire Engine House precinct. This is a very strong argument, it would seem, against extending the vote to the gentler sex.
Workmen have been busily engaged for several days in demolishing the old house at the head of East Lexington Avenue, now known as the Fitzpatrick house, and have almost completed the job. Bob Gaines, who will soon attain his 86th birthday, says that when he was a boy of 12, he drove the ox team that hauled the lumber from his father’s horse-power mill on the Lexington Road with which to build this house; and the material used in its construction is as sound as a dollar today, although the structure has been standing there for nearly 75 years. Mr. Hunt, who recently purchased this property, expects to erect on this site a modern residence.
Two lads are being cared for at the Salvation Army headquarters. One of the youngsters is afflicted with a diseased hip and uses crutches. Efforts are being made to get him in some hospital. The other lad is about 15 years old and wants a home so that he can attend school. He would be willing to work between school hours for his board. Any charitable person wishing to help this boy get an education should see the Captain. The youngster is able-bodied.
75 YEARS AGO — 1941
Featured in the Hub’s newspaper advertisement and in its window displays are Sportleigh Coats made by a new factory in Harrodsburg. This new plant started operations several months ago and has been kept busy since the opening filling orders. Made under ideal conditions for workers, in a modern plant, the sports coats have received national recognition through newspaper and magazine advertisements, including Vogue and Mademoiselle. Sold exclusively in Danville by the Hub, these coats are said to be moderately priced. A good future is promised for this industry in Harrodsburg.
An estimated crowd of between 2,000 and 3,000 people attended the preview of the Begley Drug Store, the new Walgreen agency in the Gilcher Hotel building, said Robert Begley, owner of the establishment. The crowd passed through the store in a holiday spirit despite the rain outside and were given free gifts of cigarettes, candy, perfume and hand lotion in addition to roses presented to guests at the door. Another highlight of the opening of the Begley-Walgreen Store was the music furnished by Marguerite Begley, 12, and her brother, Byron J. Begley, 16, who played throughout the evening on the accordion and the clarinet. Marguerite handled the accordion, albeit it was almost as large as she, with the grace and the skill of a professional.
A few people in Danville can still remember 48 years ago when Edward Miller was a most efficient barber, holding the best chair in the Old Press Sherley Shop on Third Street where the Playforth-McGlone Shop is now located. That stand has been used for a barber shop since the memory of man. Edward Miller, now known as Dr. Edward S. Miller, if you please, for when he went to Chicago, he practiced his barber profession until he could be graduated in Medicine and Surgery and in that field he not only made good, but a splendid success and retired with a competency some years ago. He is back in Danville visiting his nephew, Stanley Davis and his mother, the latter being Dr. Miller’s sister. All of the colored people in Danville can point to Dr. Miller and his record with pride and satisfaction, for he is a credit to the race and it is a pleasure for this column to tell of his achievements.
50 YEARS AGO — 1966
The annual series of dental clinics for medically indigent children in the Danville and Boyle County schools was resumed today by the Boyle County Health Department. The clinic is sponsored by the Danville Kiwanis Club in conjunction with the Division of Dental Health.
The Shelby-Junction Lions Club will hold its first Turtle Derby on Tuesday night at Junction City Elementary School. One hundred and 50 turtles will be entered in five heats with 30 turtles in each heat. The winner of the derby finale will be awarded a $25 U.S. Savings Bond. The winner in each heat will earn for its owner the refund of his advertising fee. Archie Coffman Jr. will call the races. Judges for the event will be Clyde Matherly, Wilmot Dungan and Joe Belcher.
Mrs. Bertha Faulkner of Batewood Homes will be hostess for a Young People’s Club oyster, fish and pastry meal on Saturday morning at her apartment. The sponsoring group is composed of members of West Green Street Church of God of Danville.
The Boyle-Washington County Bookmobile, operated and driven by Mrs. Gertrude Smith of Springfield as the librarian, is another of the agencies included this year in the budget of the United Community Fund of Boyle County, with an allotment of $500 to be raised through the 1966 UCF campaign this month. The bookmobile service is used especially by the rural school children, many of whom might not otherwise have access to a wealth of interesting and suitable reading.
25 YEARS AGO — 1991
Stuart Thompson, administrator of Casey County War Memorial Hospital, said he will do all he can to keep the facility open but it will take a community effort to make it possible. Thompson said, “I can’t promise anyone anything, but I will do everything I can to maintain the hospital and medical services but I have no magic wand. If this is to be a successful it will have to be a cooperative effort of the participation from all the community.” While the hospital is without patients and is struggling with critical financial problems, it is not closed, Thompson said. “We’re in a limbo stage and I’m fighting like the devil to get out of that.”
The congregation of Gethsemane Baptist Church surprised their pastor, the Rev. Bill Hall, with a pot luck meal to honor him for 20 years he has served as pastor of Gethsemane. “He’s been a wonderful pastor for 20 years,” said Ora Johnson. Hall’s 20-year tenure at the church shows a willingness on the part of both the church and the pastor to remain together.
When the gate company Lily Price Sandusky worked for went out of business last year, she didn’t want to get out of the business too, so she became the first woman in Casey County to own a gate company. Lilygate Co. opened in September. Sandusky had worked at Chubby Baird Gate Co. for 13 years.