Harrodsburg twilight Christmas parade Dec. 2
Published 9:35 am Monday, November 28, 2016
Application deadline to participate Monday
News release
HARRODSBURG — Harrodsburg will kick off its “Come Home to Christmas” celebration on Friday, Dec. 2 with the annual twilight Christmas parade.
Applications for the Harrodsburg/Mercer County Community Christmas parade, sponsored by the Harrodsburg City Commission and Mercer Fiscal Court, are now available at the Harrodsburg/Mercer County Tourist Commission and Studio G. This year’s theme is “The Season’s Simple Gifts.”
“Christmas is such a magical time of year that brings out all the best in people,” said Goldie Goldsmith-Vigneri, chairman of the Community Christmas Parade Committee. “The parade reflects some of that magic of the season and the creativity of our residents. Our theme is wide open to interpretation and will allow participants to use their imaginations and creative juices to put their own spin on ‘The Season’s Simple Gifts.’ We anticipate some classic ideas as well as some really inspired designs and we look forward to seeing them all.”
There will be five judged float categories, with winners in each receiving $100 first prize. The categories are civic/community; church; business/industry; school, and individual/family.
The parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. Friday, Dec. 2. Line-up will start at 5 p.m. in the parking lot at the Mercer County School campus on Lexington Street (former Harrodsburg School). Vehicles that are not part of the parade will not be permitted into the parking lot.
“We do not allow cars or trucks into the parking lot just to drop off participants because of safety reasons,” said Goldsmith-Vigneri.
The committee also offeres a reminder to parade participants: Do not ask Santa Claus to ride on floats because he has already agreed to participate and will be riding on a fire truck at the end of the parade.
Applications should be returned to the committee by Monday, Nov. 28 at P.O. Box 283, Harrodsburg, KY 40330; faxed to (859) 734-9938, or dropped off at Studio G or the tourist commission. For additional information, contact Goldsmith-Vigneri at (859) 734-4394 or Hackett at (859) 734-2364.