Mitch McConnell visits Danville for Boyle Republicans Christmas party
Published 9:21 am Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Boyle County Republicans added a dash of celebrity to their annual Christmas party Tuesday night with a visit from U.S. Sen. Mitch McConnell.
McConnell, the Senate majority leader, had copies of his newest book for sale at the event and was signing copies. He also took photos with people who bought his book and spoke briefly to the approximately 120 who attended the event at Danville’s Community Arts Center.
Local elected officials and leaders attended, including incoming state Sen. Rick Girdler, state Rep. Daniel Elliott, state Auditor Mike Harmon, Danville Mayor Mike Perros, Danville City Commissioner Rick Serres and Danville City Manager Ron Scott.
McConnell opened his remarks by saying he was proud of the Republican decision in early 2016 to refuse to hear any nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court from the president. The move created lots of outrage, but ultimately helped Republicans sway voters who were on the fence about Donald Trump, he said.
“So we are going to save the Supreme Court and save the country from going off the left cliff,” McConnell said to a loud round of applause.
McConnell told several stories from his book before wrapping up by recounting how on election night, Republicans won the Kentucky House, held onto the U.S. Senate and won the presidential election.
The results of the election showed that many in the U.S. were ready for a change, he said.
“We all know the polls — I don’t think they liked either one of these candidates,” he said. “But you know what they decided? They wanted to go in a different direction.”
“We’ve been given great responsibility here and the chance to change America,” he said. “We’ve been given a lot of power and now we’re going to try to deliver.”
Order prints of photos from this event here.