Danville Board of Education approves 2017-2018 calendar
Published 12:00 pm Tuesday, January 24, 2017
- (Kendra Peek/kendra.peek@amnews.com) Danville School Board members approved the 2017-2018 school calendar on Monday night.
There are 171 days on the school calendar for the 2017-2018 school year in the Danville schools, with students beginning on Aug. 16, according to the plan presented and approved by the Danville Board of Education on Monday.
“I like to thank everyone who served on the committee … I like to thank all those folks for their willingness to serve,” said Ed McKinney, director of pupil personnel as he presented the plan to the board.
This year, changes include less four-day weeks, he said, which is something that committee members had heard from teachers. Additionally, the breaks more closely align with those of neighboring schools, another comment heard by the committee.
Before students start school, there’s a week built in for transition and registration, from Aug. 1-4, as well as a professional development day on Aug. 8 and planning days on Aug. 7-11, with teacher opening day on Aug. 14. Even during the school year, professional development and planning days are when students do not attend school.
After school begins for the students, the first holiday is Labor Day, on Sept. 4.
Oct. 9-13 is scheduled to be fall break; Oct. 20 is the end of the first nine weeks; and a planning day, which means no school for students, is scheduled for Oct. 23.
Thanksgiving break is Nov. 22-24, with the holiday falling on Nov. 23. Winter break runs Dec. 20-Jan. 2, with Jan. 2 being a planning day and non-school day for students.
Jan. 5 will be the end of the second nine weeks, falling just before the Jan. 15 holiday, Martin Luther King, Jr., day, a non-school day for students.
Feb. 14 is a professional development day, another non-school day for students, and Feb. 17 is a day of no school for everyone.
March 9 is the end of the third nine weeks; March 22 is a planning day and March 23 is a professional development day; leading into April 2-6, which is spring break.
April 27 is a professional development days.
Days are built into the calendar that can be used, if needed, if there is a lot of snow in February or March, McKinney said.
The last day of school for students is May 24 and teacher closing day is May 25. May 29-June 5 can be used as makeup days, if needed.
Follow Kendra Peek on Twitter, @knpeek.