From our files, Feb. 25
Published 1:28 am Saturday, February 25, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
Mrs. R.L. Berry of Hustonville, sold $453.50 worth of eggs in 1916 from her S.C.B. Leghorn hens.
Today, J.H. Wright bought the Interior Journal, a semi-weekly paper in Stanford, for $25,000 cash from Shelton M. Saufley. The Interior Journal was established in 1860 and for 25 years was conducted by Col. W.P. Walton of Lexington. Saufley bought it at about half the figure he sold it for five years ago from Ed Walton. Wright is a well-known young farmer in Lincoln County. Mr. Saufley said he was going to spend a few months resting out west. He plans on buying another newspaper when he returns to Kentucky, as he is devoted to this line of work. Mr. Saufley has devoted his entire life to newspaper work, and like all others who study it, never quit it.
A touch of sentiment will enhance the imposing inaugural ceremonies on March 5 when for the first time in the history of Presidential inaugurations covering a period of 128 years, the first lady of the land, as well as the consort of the vice president, will be active participants. Mrs. Woodrow Wilson and Mrs. Thomas R. Marshall will ride with their distinguished husbands in carriages drawn by four beautiful horse from the White House to the Capitol where the oath of office will be administered in the forenoon, preceding the great inaugural parade.
Advertisement for Danville Pharmacy: When you need something in a hurry, just get us on the phone at 556. If you say you want it at once that is the way we will send it. If you desire to see before buying, we will send several different priced articles and you can select the one you want. Prescriptions are double checked for accuracy and are guaranteed pure. The Danville Pharmacy is located at 135 North Third Street.
Haselden Brothers of Lancaster has purchased four train car loads of Ford automobiles consisting of 24 touring cars and Couplets. This is the largest order ever placed by this firm and amounts to about $10,000.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
The metal signs in the Danville streets that have been damaging your tires will soon be damaging the Japs, Germans and Italians. This action was made possible when the Danville City Council voted that they be removed soon and the metal sold as scrap iron. The signs will be removed soon and other signs, probably made of wood, will be placed on the corners of the intersections. In other city business, the council voted that the city fire trucks could not go beyond the last hydrant that is connected with the city’s water lines.
Boyle County School Superintendent said that Boyle County High School juniors and seniors voting in a poll to determine Kentucky’s 10 greatest men selected the following in the order listed: Daniel Boone, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. Ephraim McDowell, George Rogers Clark, Isaac Shelby, Henry Clay, Jefferson Davis, Zachary Taylor, H.H. Cherry and John Fitch.
Students in the Danville city schools will soon begin building model airplanes for the U.S. Navy. The Secretary of the Navy has requested students build the planes for the Navy to use for such purposes as recognition, range estimation and determination of cones of fire. The model planes will be built to scale and no elaborate equipment will be necessary. Danville students are asked to assemble a set of 50 model airplanes. Danville’s project will be one of a number throughout the country in a program to build about 10,000 of about 50 different models.
County Clerk John B. Nichols Jr. has been named by the U.S. Department of the Interior to have charge of issuing licenses for all explosives used in the county. All persons wishing to use dynamite or other explosives must obtain a license from Mr. Nichols.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
Miss Helen Palmer, of West Broadway, assumed her duties today as the first therapeutic dietician to be employed at Ephraim McDowell Memorial Hospital. Miss Palmer received her bachelor of arts degree from Centre College and master of science degree in dietetics from the College of Agriculture and Home economics at the University of Kentucky.
Robert Ayotte, Gordon Montgomery and Robert Lewis Jr. have been selected for the inclusion in the 1967 edition of “Outstanding Young Men of America”, according to the Danville Junior Chamber of Commerce, of which all three are members.
Danville High School has been selected as one of 50 high schools in the United States that will receive the benefits of a Junior Air Force R.O.T.C. program starting in September. Danville becomes one of the very few high schools in the U.S. that has an enrollment of less than 500 male students that have been given this honor.
A Community Club, for older men and women, 55 years of age or older, is being organized in Danville. The Community Club will be a group of people who are interested in fellowship, meeting other persons, and in finding constructive recreation and engaging service projects. Planned activities include games, singing and dramatics. The women may do handwork such as making dresses and layettes to be given to Family Welfare Association and the Salvation Army.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
The Danville-Boyle County United Way board will decide if it wants to withhold its dues to the national organization because of questions raised about administrative costs at the national level. The special board meeting in Danville was called by local chairman Eric Mount to discuss the situation and decide what kind of response should come from the local group.
Willa Mae Ball has volunteered more than 25 years to try to defeat cancer. “You look around everywhere and friends are dying of cancer,” Ball said. She has served as secretary of the local American Cancer Society Board for 25 years, and believes that greater awareness of the warning signs of cancer has helped people get treatment earlier. “I hope I live long enough to see a cure,” Ball said. Her other interests include singing in the Glee Club at First Baptist Church at Second and Walnut streets, and is the matron of her chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star.
Something new will be in the air this summer at Old Fort Harrod State Park — the smell of two sheep, a milk cow and all that accompanies that. Park superintendent Susan Barrington said, “We are going to have a true living history at the fort for the first time.” The sheep and cow will be penned in a corral in the middle of the fort. Two new employees dressed in pioneer garb will tend them and milk the cow twice a day, churn butter and shear the sheep.