From our files, March 4
Published 1:15 am Saturday, March 4, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
Mr. Leslie Semonis, who assists T.C. Chatham, the local hardware dealer, with the management of his large farm near Harrodsburg, is gaining an extensive reputation as a sheep raiser. Some time ago he purchased 130 ordinary stock ewes. Eighty two of the ewes now have 134 lambs by their sides. It is predicted that lambs will sell around 15 cents in the early summer so it can easily be seen that there is excellent money in sheep.
In Parksville — Mrs. F.M. Bower sold an extra Jersey cow to Mr. Leslie McAnly for $65: Mr. C.A. Blanford came down from Livingston yesterday to receive a fancy Jersey cow he bought from Messrs. Cozatt and Seltsam for $75. Mr. Blanford, who is connected with the L&N Railroad had the cow shipped in a special car.
In Junction City — The U.B.F. Hall store room, lately occupied as a pool room, is empty because they asked two dollars more on rent so the renters have stored their tables in the old Curiosity shop for a while: Charles West, 16, and Cora Rowsey, 14, were united in matrimony at Mt. Freeman church a few days ago by Rev. Edwards, although their parents knew nothing of it until afterwards. Tis a pity that such children should be allowed to secure a license to wed at so tender an age in Kentucky: G.A. Dunn is having his cow pea field near the school house plowed this week.
Josh Jones, of Lincoln County, was in Danville Monday. He is one of the largest growers of hemp in this area. Last year he raised 300 thousand pounds. He will cultivate 200 acres this year. Mr. Jones has recently sold a big lot of hemp to the English government.
Older citizens say that they have never seen a heavier or more severe snow storm than that which raged Wednesday morning. The flakes were two to three inches wide. The snow stuck to the ground, but in a short time, a warm noon day sun melted it away almost as quickly as it came.
Announcement by Nick Moreno: Please be careful when you steal. You know I have too much feeling about the people but I can’t stand too much feelings. Sunday morning two fellows came in my store and one stole 1 1/4 pounds of cheese and one stole a can of syrup. Please don’t try it any more.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
Robert Owens of Junction City, was sentenced to 30 days at hard labor in the county workhouse on a petit larceny charge following his conviction. Owens, who entered a plea of not guilt, was accused of stealing a basket of groceries from a customer in a local grocery story. In addition to serving the 30 days, Owens must serve time in the workhouse to justify the court costs assessed which he defaulted.
John Sallee Van Winkle, 71, died at his home on West Lexington Avenue after a brief illness. Mr. Van Winkle was born in Danville, Oct. 12, 1870, graduated from Centre in 1890 and engaged in newspaper publication in Somerset and Knoxville. A large portion of his life was devoted to developing coal mines. He also helped to work to complete the Dix Dam Hydro Electric Plant on Herrington Lake and is the present owner of Kentucky Utilities. He was also joint owner with J.C.Alcock of the Danville Advocate-Messenger. Mr. Van Winkle was one of the founders and owners of the Peoples Tobacco Warehouse Company.
Classified Ads — For rent, 10 unfurnished rooms to decent grown-ups, 540 East Adams Street.: Wanted, man and wife, colored preferred, woman to cook and man to do light farm work on country place just outside city limits of Louisville: Wanted, poultry, eggs, cream, country hams and bacon for W.P. Poor Produce on West Walnut Street.
Men who have had farm experience and are now on WPA will be available to local farmers in their efforts to make up the farm labor shortage,.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
The Danville and Boyle County Industrial Foundation will turn its property on Lebanon Road over to a new corporation, which will continue development of industrial sites and seek additional new plants for Danville in the future. The original corporation has been successful in locating four new plants on the property. The name of the new company and details of the organization and transfer will be handled by the Board of Directors of the Danville and Boyle County Industrial Foundation.
R.L. Polk & Company of Cincinnati, has started delivery of a complete up-to-date 1967 Danville City Directory to all subscribers. The new book contains four major departments. The first section is the Yellow Pages, then comes the alphabetical section which shows the name, marital status, occupation and address of each resident in the Danville area. The Directory of Householders, including a street and avenue guide, is the third major department, and the last section is the Numerical Telephone Directory.
The annual “Spring Fever Fashion Show” was presented by the Danville Jaycees wives at Centre Dining Commons. Preceding the style show, dessert was served by candlelight. The guests were welcomed by Mrs. Jack C. Wallace, chairman, and the program was turned over to Ray Holbrook as master of ceremonies. Music for the style show was provided by Mrs. M.C. Minor, organist.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
“Primetime Live” is a popular program in Danville. Jerry Preston, director of radiology at Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center found out how popular following Thursday’s program on people without proper training giving mammographies. Preston fielded nearly 100 telephone calls, all wanting to know if the staff at the hospital had the proper credentials to perform mammographies. The hospital mammography unit was accredited a year ago using standards recently developed by the American College of Radiology.
Final plans for a concrete plant off Roy Arnold Boulevard were approved by the Danville-Boyle County Planning and Zoning Commission. The final planned unit is for a Lincoln County Ready Mix batching plant on A Street. Lincoln County Ready Mix is baed in Stanford. The plant will be built on a 1.7-acre tract and will be fenced and landscaped.
After running an anti-virus program, Jim Miller of Harrodsburg, discovered that his computer’s hard disk and about 100 floppy disks were infected with the Michelangelo virus. “It’s scary what these viruses can do to your computer. Especially if it’s a business computer with a lot of important information, it can wipe it out just like that,” Miller, who is self-employed, said.