News briefs, March 27

Published 8:51 am Monday, March 27, 2017

Free health screenings in Hustonville April 1

HUSTONVILLE — Ephraim McDowell Health is sponsoring a free health screening from 9 a.m. to noon on April 1 at New Salem Baptist Church in Hustonville.

Health screenings that will be offered are cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, body mass index, stroke risk and take-home colorectal cancer screening kits (over age 50). After the screenings are complete, participants will have the opportunity to discuss their results with a licensed health professional.

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Participants should not eat 12 hours prior to their screening if they would like to have the blood test that gives them a full lipid panel. This gives the participant detailed information including their HDL, LDL, triglycerides and glucose.

The screenings are open to the public for anyone 18 years of age and older. You may call (606) 365-4190 for an appointment, but walk-ins are welcome.

AARP driver safety program April 12

Individuals who are age 55 or older are invited to participate in an AARP Driver Safety Program sponsored by McDowell Wellness Center. The course is scheduled for Wednesday, April 12, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $15 for AARP members (bring AARP card to class) or $20 for non-AARP members. Refreshments will be provided.

This course is sanctioned by the AARP. Individuals who complete the course may be eligible for a five-year discount on their automobile insurance. You do not have to be a member of AARP or McDowell Wellness Center to participate.

The class is limited to 25 participants. To enroll, or for more information, call (859) 936-9355.


Danville-Boyle County Planning and Zoning — 9 a.m. Wednesday, April 5, at Danville City Hall public meeting room. Items on the agenda include: new minor plats for Rolan Coulter, Lebanon Road; Bonnie Caldwell, Chrisman Lane; Edwards family, U.S. 68, Perryville; and James Wilburn, Nosco Road. Also on the agenda includes: final plat for John Hill Bailey-Hunt addition, lot 10, Corporate Drive; final plat amendment, Pleasant View Estates, William Hundley Jr., Quirks Run Road; and site plans for National Office Furniture, Stewarts Lane and Ambrabev facility, Techwood Drive. Also chair business includes: zoning ordinance section 4.7 (7) (d); letters of credit, Foxgate Section 3, and Centre Estates, Highland Court; and election of officers.

Lincoln County/Cedar Creek Planning Commission — 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 4 at the Lincoln County Courthouse basement floor. Items on the agenda include the adoption of the Lincoln County Comprehensive Plan, as required by KRS 100.193.2; and election of officers.

Lincoln County Board of Adjustments — 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 12 at the Lincoln County Courthouse, basement floor. New business on the agenda includes: conditional use permit application by Don Dotson, for property located at 6710 U.S. 127 in Stanford, for a used car business. This property is currently zoned C/PO; public hearing for a 25.4-foot variance on required amount of road frontage for property at 7479 Old U.S. 150 East in Stanford, requested by Philip Adams. This property is located n the Cedar Creek Watershed area and will contain a minimum lot size of five acres; and election of officers.