This week at the Boyle County Public Library
Published 8:33 am Monday, April 17, 2017
The Boyle County Public Library offers many fun, educational events throughout the year. Weekly programs include Crafters Who Care 6 p.m. Mondays, Storytimes on Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, and Coding Clubs 4 p.m. Mondays and Wednesdays.
In addition to these weekly events, the following library-sponsored programs are scheduled for this week:
• Holiday Closure
The Library will be closed today, April 16, for the Easter holiday.
• Tween Advisory Group (TAG)
Tween Advisory Group will meet on Monday, April 17, at 4 p.m. TAG provides a way for tweens to have fun while volunteering their time at the library. For more information about tween programs, see Logan Anderson in the Children’s Library. (Ages 9-13)
• Teen STEM Challenge
Teens can test their knowledge of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) concepts and engineering design abilities at Teen Challenge on Tuesday, April 18, at 4 p.m. At this event, teams will compete in a different challenge each month. This month, teens (ages 13-18) will be building rubber band rockets. This free program will be held in the Community Room at the lLibrary.
• Third Thursday Book Discussion Groups
The library offers a variety of book discussion groups each month, including the Third Thursday Morning and Evening Book Discussion Groups which meet at the Library on the third Thursday of the month at 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. respectively. These groups are designed for anyone interested in discussing a wide variety of books in a group setting.
Both groups will meet on Thursday, April 20. The Morning Discussion group, which is led by Diana Draper, will discuss “Digging to America” by Anne Tyler. The Evening Discussion group is led by Merry Cooper and will discuss “Heart-Shaped Box” by Joe Hill. Those interested in participating in either group may pick up a copy of the book at the circulation desk in the library.
• Nutrition Condition (Week 3)
On Thursday April 20, at noon, the library will be hosting Nutrition Condition, a health and wellness workshop series offered in partnership with the Boyle County Cooperative Extension Office. Workshop participants will learn how to improve their nutrient intake and learn how to eat better on a budget. Registration is encouraged.
• The Traveling Tomato Show
On Thursday, April 20, at 6 p.m., the library will host the Traveling Tomato Show, an heirloom tomato seeds workshop that will cover information on how to plant and save heirloom tomato seeds. Workshop participants will receive a free organic heirloom tomato seedling and six packets of heirloom seeds to take home. Due to the materials supplied, registration is required. Those interested in attending may register at the Circulation Desk or by calling (859) 238-7323. This event will be held in the Community Room at the library.
• Computer Classes
In the ongoing effort to promote lifelong learning, the Library offers a wide variety of free computer classes every month. The following classes are scheduled for this week:
— Intro. to Microsoft Excel on Tuesday, April 18, at 2 p.m.
— Typing on Wednesday, April 12, at 11 a.m.
A complete listing of monthly computer classes can be found on the library’s website. Those interested in attending any of the classes may register online at under the “Using the Library” tab or by calling the library.
In addition to these classes, one-on-one computer support is also available by appointment.
More information about these or other events at the Library can be found online at or by calling (859) 238-7323.