Unhappy with Danville leaders
Published 5:16 pm Saturday, May 6, 2017
Dear Editor,
I read the article in last Sunday’s Advocate-Messenger (weekend edition), regarding Mr. Sammons’ discontent with the progress of the strategic economic development plan thus far. I can’t say that I blame him.
My experience with communicating with the Danville city leaders is minimal, but it was also useless.
I raised concern about three years ago regarding the location of the State BBQ festival that has been held in recent years in downtown Danville. I wrote to at least four city representatives expressing my concern over that location.
We are seniors and my wife is handicapped and uses an electric scooter. Not possible when the festival was held in that location.
I also felt it was very disrespectful to the current businesses in the downtown area such as the sandwich shop down on the corner, the diner close to Constitution Square and what about the restaurants up the street? Streets were blocked off, not enough parking; no concern for the current business owners; and of course, not handicap accessible.
I wrote at least four letters to four different city representatives and never even got a reply from anyone. I even made suggestions, but apparently to no avail. One thought was to use Millennium Park for that event, but of course, now the BBQ Festival is now leaving. Danville has this great spacious park, so why not use it?
Next is has anyone bothered to communicate with the public regarding their thoughts on what might be needed to “rejuvenate” Danville? What businesses do the townspeople think would be or could be successful?
I don’t live in Danville, so I don’t really have an idea at the moment. This is up to the city council, the economic development team, etc. and the citizens of Danville.
Fred Cummings
Junction City