Optimistic thinking is a learned behavior
Published 9:19 am Friday, May 12, 2017
As a minister, I am always being informed about what is happening in the daily news and regularly reminded about how the world is falling apart. I do appreciate the hard work from the news agencies to keep us informed, but we should also realize there needs to be a balance between constantly absorbing what everyone else is doing and concentrating on the life we have been called to live. While it’s true there are many bad things that happen every minute, we can stop and consider this does not mean that everyone is a criminal or that the entire world is a valley of death and darkness. There have always been bad people that do evil things but it just seems worse now because the population has grown and with advancing technology we can instantly know what is going on everywhere. Unfortunately, this constant flood of negative information can overload our emotions and cause fear, anxiety and stress. And sadly, it is not a coincidence that technology and anti-depressant medications have grown together.
Years ago, people lived somewhat isolated from the constant bombardment of news and by the way they had much less to be upset and worried about. The average person was more focused on their family and investing their time working to make sure they had everything they needed. Albert Einstein is quoted as saying, “there is no substitute for hard work” and I believe the concept of perseverance and determination should be included in our education curriculum. Excuse me if my views are old school, but playing on a cellphone all day and watching television all night is not the formula for accomplishment. OK, back to our subject. Another point that we can consider, is there are many decent people that are doing good things. They may not receive the same amount of attention but they are out there. I see this side of the spectrum a little more than the average person because I am in and out of places where these individuals devote their time and resources. In my small community, I know lots of people that volunteer behind the scenes and are making a huge difference in the lives of others. Just imagine all the ones that support charitable organizations, those who work in the churches and others who are actively involved in community outreach and then multiply that around the world. Nonetheless, like I said earlier, we rarely hear about these secret agents that are driven with genuine love and concern and are not afraid to act on their convictions. To them, I say; Praise the Lord for you!
Whether people embrace it or not, a Christian is accountable for what they think, how they act and what they say. I believe it would be a wonderful testimony and would bring glory to God if we would demonstrate His optimistic light of love, hope and encouragement in every situation.
Dr. Holland lives in Central Kentucky where he is a Christian minister and author. Ask for a free copy of his new CD called, “Keeper of my soul” at: billyhollandministries.com