From our files, May 13
Published 9:00 am Monday, May 15, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
The hours for visiting at the Danville and Boyle County Hospital are from 2 to 4 p.m. which the superintendent is instructed to rigidly enforce. If the visiting hours are not strictly observed it will result in our having to employ another nurse which we cannot afford. We respectfully ask that you make your visits within the above hours. — Trustees of the hospital.
The old Assembly Presbyterian Church of Harrodsburg, which was bought about three months ago by the negro A.M.E. congregation of that town, was badly damaged by the explosion of a heavy charge of dynamite Sunday morning. The church building, one of the handsomest in Harrodsburg is located in the principal residence section of that town.
One splendid way in which to show your patriotism is to enlist in the army of dirt gatherers and make war on premises and back yards next Thursday. The ladies will have ready customary wagons and teams to haul away all trash and dirt you have ready.
In view of the large number of men in the railway service who will more than likely be drawn into the service of the country during the war, a number of leading railroads are advertising for educated women to fill the vacancies as rapidly as they occur. Under these circumstances it does seem that every girl and young woman should be making every effort to secure a collegiate education. As the Secretary of War says, “The world will have to be rebuilt,” when this war is over with and it will require people with education to do it. The railway companies are urging the women to get into the colleges as only people with good education can fill the positions acceptably.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
H.A. Cocanougher, county school superintendent has announced that 17,202 applications for sugar rationing books were made in Boyle County. He said about 15,500 books were granted.
All pinball machines in Boyle County that reward the player free games must be removed, said Sheriff J.C. McGinnis. He explained that a recent ruling of the Court of Appeals had declared pinball machines operated so that the winning player’s only reward is another game, are illegal gambling devices.
Don’t forget to phone the Danville Fire Department at 219 if you have any old iron, steel, brass, rubber, zinc, copper or aluminum you want to donate to aid in winning the war. A truck will visit your home next Saturday and pick it up. Every one of these metals is needed to win the war, and you will be doing a high patriotic duty in looking the premises over and getting all in sight for this good cause.
Evans Coleman, one of our most patriotic young men, who has made strenuous efforts the past several weeks to volunteer for the Army, was turned down this week and has returned home. Remember young man, “Those who stand and wait also serve” and there will be a lot for you to do back of the line, so don’t be discouraged. You have already done your part and we here will all recognize the fact. Congratulations upon your manly, patriotic efforts.
In line with previous orders conserving textiles, the War Production Board issued an order for clothing manufacturers to trim shirt tails about an inch, eliminate pockets on regular shirts and cut down on the number of buttons. There also won’t be any more long pointed “Hollywood” collars and sport shirts will be limited to one pocket. Because of these changes enough cloth will be saved to make several million more shirts.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
The kindergarten children of Lexington Avenue Baptist Church entertained their parents and friends with a circus on Wednesday morning. The children spent many periods of activity in painting cardboard boxes with cut-out sections to make cages for their stuffed animals. The formed a parade and marched out on the parking lot while circus music was played. Songs, stunts with cowboys, Indian dances, clown acts and other dances made up the program. The children were Deborah Alexander, Duker Bogard, Rod Bratton, Francis Brooke, Barry Buchanan, Allen Case, Deborah Copper, Rachel Fischer, Patty Hanlon, Betsy Hancock, Christy Hawn, Tex Hewett, Robin Hines, Jim Kubale, Ronnie Logue III, Gentry Martin, Diane Mount, Scott McMahon, Mark Purdom, Scott Purdom, Keith Preston, Todd Reynolds, Edward Saunooke, Mitzie Sheene, Libby Snedegar, David Spears, Terry Thomas, Billy Westerman, Mike White, Charlotte Willis and Kelly Worthington.
Mrs. Jonas Barnes entertained with a birthday party in honor of her son, James II “Joey” on Friday at her home on East Drive. Guests present were Alex Montgomery, Gregory Winsper, Jeffrey Sherrow, Ginger Marsh, Scott Purdom, Robin and Heather Barnes and Tracy Barnes.
Three new fire-alarm call boxes have been installed in downtown Danville for the convenience of the public in making quick reports of any fires. They are located at the corner of Second and West Main streets; Third and West Main streets and at Second and Green streets in front of Kentucky School for the Deaf. The fire alarm call boxes attached to utility poles are connected with the communication room at the Danville Police and Fire departments.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
With one magistrate calling the use of taxpayers’ money for such a project “disgraceful” Boyle County Fiscal Court voted to deny a request by a foundation for $45,000 to be used in restoring the historic McClure-Barbee house on South Fourth Street. For the same reason, the court also turned down a request by the board of the West T. Hill Community Theatre for a $10,000 contribution to help finance the renovation of an old warehouse on Larrimore Lane that will be the new home for the theater.
After not knowing for sure how much they could say, teachers at Garrard County High School will now be able to answer students’ questions about sex and birth control. The Board of Education gave teachers the go-ahead to provide students with information as long as they follow an abstinence-based philosophy.