Lincoln senior should have been allowed to graduate
Published 6:22 am Thursday, May 25, 2017
Dear Editor,
I want to voice my opinion about how unfair and heartbroken I was last night (May 23) when my grandson wasn’t allowed to walk with his classmates at Lincoln County High School and participate in graduation because he had missed too many days of school.
He went and sat in the crowd and watched his girlfriend walk without him. April 11th, they had a baby and she was put in the NICU at UK the next day after she was born with serious health issues. They both applied for the Home/Health program because they knew they were going to miss a lot of school. Hers was accepted but his wasn’t.
They said they had never had a guy apply before and they didn’t think is was necessary. He missed several days after that, which is now the reason he wasn’t allowed to walk in graduation.
I know they offered community service to some of the seniors that had attendance issues but he wasn’t even offered that?
I sent an email of my concerns and the unfair treatment he was getting to both the superintendent and principal, sent them to his counselor and anyone else that I thought may listen and to be his advocate.
It didn’t matter, I was ignored as someone without a voice. Some of the seniors said they were told this teaches responsibility but my opinion he showed his responsibility by being there for his child when he needed to be.
Patty Davis