Chamber of Commerce holds follow-up meeting on Workforce Development

Published 8:40 am Monday, June 19, 2017


News release 

The Danville-Boyle County Chamber of Commerce is hosting a second Community Conversation on Workforce Development at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday, June 20 to share current work underway, as a result of discussions from the February 21 initial meeting.  The location will be the Boyle County Fire Headquarters at 1500 Lebanon Road in Danville. 

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The purpose of the initial meeting was to take the first step toward developing a concerted, coordinated community-wide effort to identify and seek solutions to the obstacles that impede individuals from obtaining and retaining employment. The intent is for a series of meetings to follow that will create and implement action steps by early fall. All agencies that attended the first one, as well as others interested in workforce development, are invited to attend. Executive Director Paula Fowler said, “People interested in this critical effort are welcome to join us.”

RSVPs to the Chamber office at (859) 236-2361, ext. 120, are encouraged.