Boyle County Fair Sheep Show Results
Published 12:58 pm Monday, July 3, 2017
The Boyle County sheep show results, listed in order of first, second and third place where applicable are:
Seniors: Taylor Graves, Charity Browning
Intermediate: Wyatt Acey, Campbell Coyle, Caleb Kernodle
Juniors: Jayde Cantrell, Corbin Coyle, Joshua Kernodle
Novice: Ribbon only: Jacob Kernodle, Carter Creech, Ava May
Market lamb by weight
Novice Class: Jacob Kernodle, Carter Creech, Olivia Wilson
58-83 pounds: Comfort Gimba, Taylor Graves, Chloe Wagner
85-92 pounds: Charity Browning, 2nd and 3rd,Wyatt Acey
95-107 pounds: Corbin Coyle, Charity Browning, Clark Coyle
108-134 pounds: Campbell Coyle, Clark Coyle, Jayde Cantrell
Champion: Campbell Coyl; Reserve, Clark Coyle
Boyle County Show: Campbell Coyle; Reserve, Clark Coyle
Open breeding classes
Ram lamb (less than 12 months old)
Hampshire:Corbin Coyle, Campbell Coyle
Southdown: Jayde Cantrell
Suffolk: Dorothy Murphy
Other Breeds: 1st, 2nd and 3rd, Emily Sallee
Yearling ram (one year old and under 2 years old)
Hampshire: Clark Coyle
Other Breeds: 1st and 2nd, Haylee McClure
Champion Ram: Jayde Cantrell; Reserve: Emily Sallee
Yearling ewes (one year old and under 2 years old)
Dorset: 1st and 3rd, Haylee McClure, 2nd, Jayden McAdoo
Hampshire: Campbell Coyle, Clark Coyle, Corbin Coyle
Southdown: 1st and 2nd, Jayde Cantrell
Other Breeds: Jayde Cantrell, Jayden McAdoo, Haylee McClure
Ewe lamb (less than 12 months old)
Hampshire: Campbell Coyle, 2nd and 3rd, Clark Coyle
Southdown: 1st and 2nd place, Jayde Cantrell, Julie Cantrell
Suffolk: Wyatt Acey, Dorothy Murphy
Other Breeds: 1st and 3rd, Abigail Sallee, 2nd, Charity Browning
Champion and Reserve Ewe Lamb: Campbell Coyle
Pen of two ram lambs
Hampshire: Corbin Coyle
Other Breeds: Emily Sallee, Jayden McAdoo
Pen of two yearling rams
Other Breeds: Haylee McClure
Pen of two yearling ewes
Dorset: Haylee McClure
Hampshire: Campbell Coyle, Clark Coyle
Southdown: Jayde Cantrell
Other Breeds: Jayden McAdoo
Pen of two ewe lambs
Hampshire: Clark Coyle, Corbin Coyle
Southdown: Jayde Cantrell
Other Breeds: Abigail Sallee