From our files, July 29
Published 5:52 pm Monday, July 31, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
Advertisement from F.K. Tribble; phone number, 68: As there has been so much controversy in recent times in regard to how many pounds of coal make a bushel, I intend to eliminate further argument by selling coal by the ton or hundred pound only. I will deliver any amount desired from one-eighth of a ton up. I hope that this departure from a long established custom in Danville will meet with the approval of the public generally .
In Sunday’s Lexington papers appeared the list of doctors and nurses to accompany Hospital Unit No. 40, which will go to France under the supervision of Dr. Barrow, of Lexington. Miss Elizabeth Bogle is head nurse and is a sister of the late Dr. Bogle of Danville. Among the long list of nurses is Miss Sarah Mulberry of Danville and Miss Allen Bryan of Harrodsburg. In the list of doctors is Dr. Virgil Kinnaird, son of Dr. James Kinnaird of Lancaster, both Centre College men.
Two local boys, Bethram Veatch and “Tot” Frank, both well known members of the Danville Band, have enlisted in the Third Kentucky Infantry, and are now members of the band in that regiment. Veatch plays the clarinet and Frank the saxophone. They were home for a few days and say they are much pleased with the work required of them.
There are 100 or more guests at Crab Orchard Springs and they are as congenial a set as one would care to meet. “Ma” Willis is giving them the best the markets afford and there is always something going on of interest among the lively gentlemen and ladies who compose the crowd. A good band of musicians furnishes delightful music for dances, rowing on the lake is a popular pastime, while card games on the long piazzas, tennis in the early mornings and late in the evenings, horseback riding, etc., make the time pass by all too quickly.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
The War Bond Auction sent forecasters into a tail-spin last night. It was far over the top of anyone’s calculation, which was $100,521! The mess hall at Darnall Hospital was the scene of one of the most thrilling and exciting evenings that a local audience ever experienced. Bids ran from $18.75 up to $10,000.
Roy Arnold, chairman of the campaign to raise money in Danville for the Navy Relief Society, has announced that tickets to a dance to be held at KSD gymnasium Thursday night has been heavy. More than 100 tickets have already been sold. Tickets are $1.50 each. Music will be provided by Miff Moel’s popular Troubadours from Lexington. The Navy Relief Society is an organization to provide funds for the families of Navy men killed or injured while in the service. The county quota is $500.
Plans are being completed for a send-off party to be given to the 43 Negro selectees who will leave Friday morning for induction into the U.S. Army under the Selective Service Act. The party will be given in front of the post office Friday morning by the Chamber of Commerce and the people of Danville, both black and white. On Thursday night a party will be given for the selectees at the First Colored Baptist Church in Danville. Each selectee is urged to bring a guest with him.
The Boyle County Rationing Board granted its first permits to purchase bicycles during July for four bikes. Permits were issued to Back’s Grocery, Charles Browning, Margaret Campbell and Charles Martin.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
The COPETS Club of Danville will meet at the home of Mrs. A. J. Cooper, 429 Maple Ave., for a picnic Monday evening at 6:30. Husbands are invited to attend.
To no one’s surprise, it rained in Waynesburg today, which is officially Rain Day, so designated in the 18th century by an unknown father who noticed that it rained in Waynesburg almost every year on July 29. This year marks the 79th time in 90 years that rain has fallen on Rain Day. John Daily, an attorney and Waynesburg’s official Rain Day prophet, thus won the hat he traditionally bets that it will rain on this date. It’s the 26th time in 30 years he has been right.
The Danville-Boyle County Fair Board is urging all Boyle Countians to participate in this year’s fair which will be Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Two events in which the youth can take part in are the doll show and pet show. Divisions of the doll show include prettiest; oldest; smallest; largest; best dressed; and most unusual.
For the first time in the history of the American Field Service in Danville, the local chapter this year will bring a Norwegian, Gunmar Knobel, 17, to visit and attend school for a year. He will live in the home of Dr. and Mrs. Robert Batemen and son, Barry on Maple Avenue.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
Beginning Monday, when a patient is discharged from Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center, he or she will be required to pay for what their health insurance doesn’t cover before leaving. Under current policy, the hospital sends out a statement within a few days of a patent’s discharge listing all services and charges. The hospital later figures out what a patient’s insurance will cover, sends a bill to the carrier, and then sends a bill to the patient for the balance. Under the new payment policy, a patient will be asked to pay that difference up front.
Bay West Paper Co. has leased the old Certified Brakes plant on the Danville bypass for use as a storage facility for two years. The company will use the building to store goods and materials for its plant in Harrodsburg and will employe two people to work at the facility.
A Roman Catholic priest surprised the Louisville board of aldermen by announcing that he is a homosexual and then urged passage of a controversial gay rights ordinance in that city. Vest served as associate pastor of SS. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Danville from 1981 to 1983.