County shouldn’t hold onto 911 funds
Published 8:17 am Thursday, August 24, 2017
Dear Editor,
A few words I would like to say about the 911; may I call it a debacle, or is Danville/Boyle County big enough to have debacles?! I’m from here, and I am biased.
In short, does Judge Harold McKinney have control of county funds, and are county funds being withheld from the city, a large part of the county, for these emergency services?
Yes, we know from the article, front-page, the judge is holding on to 911 funds with “no legal basis,” because he feels these monies might be better utilized: by whom?
I would like to wind this down by saying; I do not intend to run for, but am beginning a heartfelt campaign to try to reason with county citizens, to elect another county judge-executive! Mr. McKinney has held that office far too long! Did the article not report that Ron Scott mentioned the practice of withholding 911 funds has been a LONG-time practice? How LONG has McKinney been in office; too long, I say. Hold on, he claims, to 911 funds to be used for; WHAT did McKinney write?! He “suggests that current restricted funds … might be utilized by Boyle County in another manner if it should elect to have dispatch services …”
In conclusion: to citizens of Boyle County who have chosen to elect this guy, what have you been thinking? This Centre College graduate started in his present, soon to be hopefully, post-position promising a national monument to the county. Where is it? What does he have in mind for using emergency funds “in another manner?” Maybe another soccer field for Centre College?
Jeffrey L. King