From our files, Aug. 26
Published 8:29 am Monday, August 28, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
Members of the Boyle County Red Cross have received a rush order for 150 each of sweaters, mufflers, wristlets and socks for the soldiers. Every member is busy knitting and they hope to have the boxes ready in a short time.
There were many soldiers in Danville during the past week. They boys are preparing to go to the Southern training camp and were making a farewell visit to home before leaving.
After several months rest, Mrs. Alice Neal has decided to reopen her boarding house. She has the Cotton property at Third and Broadway, which has undergone extensive repairs and improvements. She will furnish rooms and board as heretofore. Mrs. Veal has been quite successful in this line and her friends are glad that she is to re-enter the business. “Aunt Ailsey” Hocker will have charge of the dining room.
Mr. Wm. A. Sharpe, of Mercer County, was in Danville and showed a reporter a very interesting book. It was the assessment list of Mercer County for the year 1811 (before Boyle County was cut off from Mercer) and contained all the land now composing this county. It was a handmade, or homemade book, all ruled and written with pen and ink, though very legible and perfectly preserved. It was made by Capt. Wm. Armstrong, who has many relatives in Mercer and Boyle counties. Mr. Sharpe also had another assessment of Mercer for 1873. He has in his possession more interesting old documents than any person in Kentucky. He also has war relics from the war of 1812.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
Postponement of the opening of Boyle County schools for one week in order that the boys may work on the farm was announced by H.A. Cocanougher, superintendent of county schools. He predicted a loss in enrollment, but couldn’t estimate the expected decrease. He said many families in the county had moved to war industry areas. Difficulty had been experienced in obtaining teachers, he stated, adding that 10 teachers had forsaken teaching to enter military service or war work.
Wednesday is the last day that all grocery stores in Danville will be closed on Wednesday afternoons. During the summer a city ordinance required all grocery stores to close at 1 o’clock until September.
A petition was filed in the Circuit Court by Nelson D. Rodes, attorney for the Danville and Boyle County Hospital Association, seeking to restrain the City of Danville from taxing property owned by the hospital. The property in question is the M.J. Farris Sr. home on East Main Street . The property was half given to Centre College and half to the hospital by the late Mr. Farris, and later the hospital acquired the college’s interest there. Naming Fred Arnicar, Danville city tax collector as defendant, the petition points out that the property has been assessed at $20,000 and a tax of $150 has been levied. Release from taxation is asked under the law that makes churches, hospitals and educational institutions exempt from taxes.
Danville postmaster James Bean has announced that Christmas packages mailed to members of the armed forces in Alaska and outside the continental United States should be marked “Christmas Parcel” and be in the mail before Nov. 1. Regulations limit the parcels to 6 pounds and should not be larger than an ordinary shoe box.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
The usual “long hot summer” romanticized in novels and other literature, has failed to materialize this year in the Danville area, although the month of August, ordinarily a sizzling one, almost over. R.P. Coldiron, superintendent of the Danville Water Works and Filtration Plant, who is also the official local weather man, said that there has been no temperature over 92 degrees this summer.
The next spraying of the City of Danville to eradicate mosquitoes is scheduled for tonight on the north side of town and tomorrow night on the south side of town beginning at 9 o’clock both nights. Residents are asked to remove their cars from the streets and close their windows at 9 o’clock on both nights while spraying is being conducted.
Applications are urgently requested from 10 or 12 local women who are willing to serve as salaried patrol officers this school year at Danville High, Danville-Bate Junior High, and Edna L. Toliver, Jennie Rogers and Mary G. Hogsett elementary schools. Chairman of the Safety Committee said that “women hired as patrol officers will be trained by city police officers in their duties. The women will work one hour each morning as the schools prepare to open for the day, and one hour each afternoon as schools are dismissed. All necessary uniforms and equipment are furnished. The women will direct traffic and the movement of the students at the schools.
P. Carroll “Peck” Mannini, 72, of First Street in Danville, has died. He was a veteran of World War I, and charter member of Boyle Post No. 46 The American Legion. He was also a charter member of the Danville Lions Club. Before becoming a local businessman, Mr. Mannini had been a railroad employee and a boxer, traveling widely for such engagements. He was also closely affiliated with the early days of balloon ascensions in which he participated.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
The fall apple crop, which for the past few years has been harvested early, is back on schedule this year. Harvest time will begin about the middle of September for most growers in this area.
Employees at Danville city hall have organized a collection of supplies to aid victims of Hurricane Andrew in Florida. However, no clothing will be accepted.
The Danville City Commission won’t vote on Wal-Mart’s rezoning request until Sept. 8. After listening to three speakers, the commissioners postponed a decision so they could review what was said by Wal-Mart’s attorney, opponents and the planning and zoning commission. Wal-Mart wants to build a super store on 20 acres at the Danville bypass and U.S. 127 now owned by Mitchell Clark. The zoning panel has denied the request, citing the long-range plan that designates the land for multi-family dwellings. In his opening prayer, Commissioner Bunny Davis indicated it would not be an easy decision: “Help them to understand that we are only human. … There are two sides to every story.”