Reading list promotes liberal ideas

Published 2:03 pm Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Dear Editor,

It truly is a shame when we cannot send our children to public schools today without the adult employees attempting to espouse their political beliefs upon them. Why is it that the Boyle County HS library website posted an extensive reading list of books focused on “protests” following the election of Donald Trump? Was that coincidental, or was that a politically-charged action by an individual or group of employees?

Among the “protest” list, we have an anti-capitalist read against American consumerism. We also have racially-charged reads encouraging not-so-civil disobedience like we are seeing with the leftist-extremist movements of the Antifa, who Nancy Pelosi of all people recently denounced. And of course, where would any liberally-generated reading suggestion be without the stunning, yet brave, title of “Queer, there, and everywhere…” appearing under additional quick reads?

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You can see the complete list by visiting the Boyle County schools website under Library Links: Online Library Catalog: BCHS: Catalog: Resource Lists.

Actions like this are why we will see a rise in charter schools in this country, and rightfully so based on what we are seeing here. Don’t let public schools continue to be hijacked by liberals that attempt to propagandize their personal political positions. Take charge of the political narrative that you believe, and teach your children both sides of the spectrum so that they can make informed civil decisions. Unfortunately, teachers cannot be trusted to teach anything these days without bias. In the words of Trump, “Sad!”

Tyler Baker
