Religion briefs, Oct. 13
Published 4:19 pm Friday, October 13, 2017
Johnson Chapel AME Zion to hold revival
Johnson Chapel AME Zion Church in Springfield will hold revival services Oct. 16-18 at 7 p.m. nightly. Guest speaker will be Rev. Darrell Briscoe of First Baptist Church, 2nd and Walnut Street. Everyone welcome. Rev. Roland Puryear, pastor.
South District Baptists to meet
Baptists from South District Baptist Association will meet Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 16 and 17 at Junction City First Baptist Church on Monday and Gethsemane Baptist Church on Tuesday. A meal will be provided at 6: p.m. and the meeting will begin at 7 p.m.
The meeting will include times of information sharing, business and of fellowship.
Major speaker will be Dr. Darryl Wilson, Kentucky Baptist Convention Sunday School Director. He has also served on the staffs of Eastwood Baptist Church in Bowling Green and The Alton Baptist Church in Alton.
South District Baptist Association is composed of churches with over 9,000 members from Boyle and parts of Garrard, Washington, Marion and Casey Counties. Moderator for the Association is Rev. Bobby Estes of Harrodsburg and the Associate Moderator is Rev. Monty Carney of Stanford. Dr. Jim Clontz of Danville is Director of Missions.
Pastor Appreciation Service at St. James AME
St. James AME Church, 124 E. Walnut Street, will observe Pastor Appreciation Month on Sunday, Oct. 15 for Pastor Ralph B. Smith. Worship service is at 11 a.m. with guest minister Elder Juan Kenley, St. Paul Predestinarian Baptist Church, Lancaster. Everyone is welcome to join in the celebration. Lunch will be served immediately following the service.
Fish Fry on Saturday
Hope Full Gospel Church will host a fish fry on Saturday at 198 Martin Luther King in Danville. The sale starts at 12:30. Chitlins, fish and chicken dinners will be available. Call (859) 238-0192 for orders.
Pastor Appreciation Day
Pleasant Valley Baptist Church will be celebrating Bishop J. Shea Brown’s 10th Pastor Anniversary Appreciation Day on Sunday, Oct. 15. Services will begin at 11:30 a.m. The guest will Bro. Ernest Gooch, Associate Minister of Bethel AME Boneyville, KY.
Harris Creek Baptist Church will have a singing with The Happy Travelers at 6 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 15.