Entities work together to bring special group to town
Published 8:30 am Monday, October 30, 2017
News release
Sponsored by the Arts Commission of Danville-Boyle County, the Louisville Leopards will give a special concert Saturday, Nov. 4 at Pioneer Playhouse, 840 Stanford Road in Danville.
The fun will start at 4 p.m. and the event is totally free.
Before the concert, 20 lucky students will have been selected to participate in a workshop. They will perform with the troupe.
The group is being brought to town with help from Danville Rotary Club, David Walden and family, Pioneer Playhouse and Danville Kiwanis Club.
To get on the list for the performance, email arts@historicdanvilleky.com or call (859) 236-2361 Ext. 111.
About the
According to the Louisville Leopards website:
The Louisville Leopard Percussionists are a performing ensemble comprised of 60+ student musicians ages 7-14, who reside in 26 different Louisville zip codes and attend 48 different schools in and around Louisville, Kentucky.
Award-winning elementary school teacher Diane Downs started her first percussion ensemble, The Fabulous Leopard Percussionists, in 1993 after she found some old instruments in a storage closet in the school where she taught in Louisville. After ten years as artistic director of The Fabulous Leopard Percussionists, Diane began to explore how she might make the Leopard Percussionist experience available to children throughout the Metro Louisville community.
In the fall of 2003, The Louisville Leopard Percussionists launched as a freestanding community 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, committed to providing the exciting and enriching Leopard Percussionist experience to all children in the Louisville community.
Our mission is to provide a comprehensive musical experience for children that enriches lives and builds community.
Our vision is for participants of diverse backgrounds to develop music appreciation, performance skills, proficiency on a variety of percussion instruments, and learn to improvise, compose, and teach music, and to care for their instruments. These skills build creativity and self-confidence and teach life-long values of personal discipline, cooperation, leadership, responsibility, and community.
To check out the Leopards and see videos, visit www.louisvilleleopardpercussionists.com.