News briefs, Nov. 2
Published 2:45 pm Thursday, November 2, 2017
Lodge to have country breakfast
Franklin Masonic Lodge will have its first Saturday of the month country breakfast Saturday, Nov. 4, 7 to 10 a.m. at the lodge, 400 N. Fourth Street. Menu includes country ham, bacon, sausage, tenderloin, pancakes, eggs, potatoes, biscuits, gravy, coffee, orange juice and pastries. Everyone is welcome.
Women’s Network sponsors discussion on pensions
KY Public Pensions: problems and solutions, 7 pm Tuesday at the Inter-County Energy Cooperative community room, 1009 Hustonville Road, Danville. The Women’s Network is sponsoring a discussion open to the general public featuring comments by Tim Abrams of KRTA. Info: Margaret Gardiner (859) 236 9305.
Hospice Month classes free to public
The following events will be offered as part of Hospice Month:
• Tuesday, Nov. 7, Caring for Family Heirlooms, by Mary Girard at the Boyle County Public Library — Girard will talk about how to take care of items that need tender loving care and attention. She will cover textiles such as wedding gowns and quilts, paper and velum documents, paintings, prints, silver and glass. Also, Girard will discuss things to look out for, basic care and when it is appropriate to call a conservator. Furniture won’t be covered unless there is a specific question. Guests may bring in items, bearing in mind that transportation can be dangerous to delicate objects.
• Thursday, Nov. 9, Memory Quilts at Heritage Hospice — What can you do with scraps of fabric which are special to you and your family? Participants will design and begin construction of a simple quilt block using materials they have on hand. Examples of ways to display their pieces and document the stories will be presented.
• Nov. 14, Sharing Family Traditions through Treasured Recipes at Heritage Hospice — All families have special traditions associated with food and favorite recipes. Participants will share their stories and look at easy and special ways to pass the traditions on to their family members.
All classes are from 6-7:30 p.m. and registration is preferred so participants may get a supply list and any additional information. For more information, email
Ephraim McDowell Health sponsoring free flu shot clinic
Ephraim McDowell Health is sponsoring a free flu shot clinic at First Baptist Church on Walnut Street, Danville. The free clinic will be offered from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. on Saturday, Nov. 18.
Walk-ins are welcome and flu shots are available for anyone 18 years of age and older. Appointments can be made by calling (859) 583-0943.