Stanford Fire getting new vehicle; Stanford police eyeing Danville cruiser
Published 8:17 am Tuesday, November 7, 2017
- Ben Kleppinger/ Stanford City Council member Ronnie Deatherage speaks during Thursday night's council meeting.
Stanford Fire Department will be getting a new vehicle using state funds, while the Stanford Police Department is looking into the possibility of acquiring a new K9 police cruiser from Danville.
Stanford Fire Chief Scott Maples said the fire department wants to use state Fire Prevention funds to fund the purchase of a new rescue truck. The state funds will cover the cost of the truck “100-percent” once the truck is fully paid for, he said.
Stanford would need to make the first payment next November on the truck, “but that money will be made up later … in the end it costs the city nothing,” Maples said.
The rescue truck is needed because the city is one short on its fleet after a Ford Explorer’s transmission died. Without separate command and rescue trucks, Stanford’s ISO rating — which determines how much residents pay for home insurance — could be downgraded, causing insurance premiums to rise, Maples explained.
“They’re due back this spring to evaluate us again,” Maples said of the ISO organization. “If we’re a vehicle short, we’re going to probably drop our rating.”
Maples said every fire department in the state has access to some Fire Prevention funds. Stanford City Council approved unanimously allowing Maples to proceed with the truck purchase.
Also during Thursday’s city council meeting, Stanford Police Chief Zach Middleton confirmed he is looking into the possibility of acquiring a police cruiser from the City of Danville.
“It is a K9 vehicle, and ours is kind of starting to go downhill,” Middleton said.”
Council member Scottie Ernst said while Stanford’s current K9 cruiser has in excess of 200,000 miles, the Danville cruiser in question has only around 45,000.
Middleton said he hasn’t yet confirmed if Stanford could purchase the Danville cruiser — he is still looking into it and negotiating with Danville.
Council member Ronnie Deatherage asked if Stanford is “able to move on it if it becomes available?”
Mayor Eddie Carter said the expense is not in the current budget.
“I’m not saying we can’t get it, but we’ve already extended our budget with code enforcement going full-time … I’m just saying there may be a budget issue here,” Carter said.
Ernst suggested funds brought in from Stanford’s K9 program could be used to pay for the cruiser.
Middleton said because the cruiser would be for the K9, he thinks it could be appropriate. Stanford lets other agencies in the area use its K9 officer, and gets a cut of any confiscated funds, Middleton said.
“I don’t think a lot of people realize what all the K9 unit does here,” he said. “… He’s out in the county all the time, helping out the sheriff’s office, helping Lancaster, helping other cities. There’s a lot of places to go to and a lot of stuff he does. In turn, if he’s in on a big bust, we get a percentage of that.”
Council members and Middleton discussed a possible price for the car of around $7,000 total.
“It sounds like too good of a car to pass by, especially if we get the opportunity to get it,” Deatherage said.