Boyle among worst in nation for ‘incarcerating the innocent’

Published 1:28 pm Thursday, November 9, 2017

Dear editor,

More shame for Fourth and Main

As if the report from their own Administrative Office of the Courts wasn’t bad enough … now the nation knows of Boyle County’s imprisonment of the innocent. In a 2015 report from the VERA Institute of Justice,, titled “Incarcerations Front Door: The Misuse of Jails in America,” every county in America was examined for their use of ROR bonds or simply put, allowing innocent poor/needy people out of jail prior to judgment.

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3,142 counties were examined, including major metropolitan areas, i.e. Detroit, Atlanta, Chicago, as were the more rural counties like Boyle. Of the 3,142 counties in America, Boyle was No. 175 in the ranking for locking up and keeping innocent people in jail. Whoo hoo … we’re in the top 5 percent nationally for incarcerating the innocent.

Is there any wonder our jail is overcrowded? Point the finger directly at Fourth and Main.

Roger Hartner
