From our files, Nov. 25
Published 8:45 am Monday, November 27, 2017
100 YEARS AGO — 1917
President Hoover does not ask us to do without food, but to substitute what we can use just as well, for the things that are so much needed by our boys across the water — to substitute careful thinking and consideration for others, for willful self-indulgence and wasteful extravagance…
People will not be asked to eat an ordinary meal on Thanksgiving Day; but merely to eat foods that are plentiful and go lean on those that are scarce. The slogan is “lay off the trimmings” especially those like stuffing and dumplings that use flour.
Shall we not make our Thanksgiving plans in the same spirit of intelligent cooperation and careful thought? There are many families in Danville who are feeling the pinch of hunger and cold even at a time when work is plentiful and wages high… Instead of furnishing them a Thanksgiving dinner without much thought, would it not be better to make a generous contribution to the offering to be taken at the Thanksgiving service of Second Presbyterian Church? One luxurious meal will not help such families so much as plain nourishing food provided for a week, or milk for a month for the children, ore delicacies supplied for several weeks for invalids or old people.
The sugar famine has struck Stanford. It is reported that many are drinking coffee and tea without sugar, and the day for cakes, pies and other pastries is over.
75 YEARS AGO — 1942
Short courses to train extra salespeople for Christmas work are being pout into operation according to Dr. Ralph H Woods, state director of vocational education. “Due to wartime conditions, the need for extra salespeople will be greater than in recent years,” he said. “Stores have had the difficult problem of maintaining an adequate staff this fall and they will need competent extra people with some training for the Christmas season.” The course will consist of 12 hours of instruction in salesmanship, retail arithmetic, cash register drills and package wrapping.
Miss Annabel Stephenson and Mr. Hudson Nichols entertained last evening with a dance in the cafeteria of the Maple Avenue school. During the evening punch and cookies were served. The hosts were assisted by Mrs. J.C> Nichols, Mrs. E.H. Forbes, Mr. and Mrs. John B. Nichols Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinniard and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, Mrs. Hereford Smith. Invitations were sent to 350 people.
One of the largest crowds seen in Danville in many seasons was abroad the streets, giving impetus to the opening of the holiday shopping season and crating the atmosphere of Christmas shopping ahead of season. Two major reasons for the influx of unusual numbers of people were probably the imminense of gasoline rationing, which begins tomorrow, and the nearness of Christmas.
A quarantine has been placed on all dogs in Danville because a dog infected with rabies being abroad on the city streets here for 36 hours on November 24 and 25. The dog died later. All sheriffs and policemen are authorized to catch and impound every dog running loose on the streets. Unlicensed and unvaccinated dogs will be killed immediately. Dogs which possess a license and a vaccination tag may be redeemed by the owners within 10 days after being caught.
50 YEARS AGO — 1967
An estimated 2,500,000 pounds of burley leaf on the 1967 crop had been laid down on the floors of the three Danville tobacco warehouses by last night, in readiness for the opening of the 1967-68 burley sales season in Danville.
Workmen continued cleaning up following the thundering derailment of a portion of a Southern Railways train in Harrodsburg. Eight units of the 125-car freight train derailed about 10:45 a.m. on Saturday. One car slammed into an occupied house by the side of the track and another tumbled into Town Creek as it slipped a trestle over the waterway. No serious injuries were reported. A child, Lori Taylor was treated by a local physician for a bump on the head after a 90-foot long car tumbled into the house occupied by her grandmother, Mrs. Hayden Gillespie and her mother, Mrs. Billy Taylor. Two other children escaped the house. The derailed units included two grain cars, four auto carriers, the diesel engine and its accompanying unit.
Dr. James W. Ramey, coroner of Boyle County, has been selected as secretary of the Kentucky State Coroners Association. Dr. Ramey, a practicing physician with offices at Greenleaf Shopping Center in Danville, was elected coroner of Boyle County in 1965.
Sp. 4 Andy Bryant, 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Bryant of Waveland Avenue, was wounded last week in Plei Ku, Vietnam. His injury was to the left leg just below the knee cap. He has been transferred from Vietnam to an Army hospital in Japan where his condition is good. His parents learned of the injury through a letter in which he also informed them that he would be coming home soon.
25 YEARS AGO — 1992
The Danville City Commission voted to develop a plan offering incentives to expanding businesses ad new industries that locate here. A survey held in the spring showed Danville residents favor efforts to attract and retain businesses. By a slight margin, more of those who mailed in the survey favored supporting existing businesses than attracting new business. City Manager Ed Music said the city had two avenues: It could grant a five-year exemption on property taxes to new industries; and it could offer a credit on the net-profits tax if an industry or business adds 20 jobs in a year.
The turkeys that Jerry Rankin keeps on his farm won’t be any part of a holiday meal, even though he and his wife Judy haven’t seen the nearly 20 birds for more than a week. He thinks they are probably across the road where there is a fresh water spring and cedar trees where they roost. One of the most interesting traits to Rankin is watching the turkey roost. As soon as the sun goes down, they head for the trees. “They’ll jump and start flapping their wings. If they land on a low limb, they just sort of jump and go to a higher level…They make good watchdogs and they have unbelievable hearing and sight,” Rankin said.
Carl Leach in Waynesburg has a friend, Tom the turkey. And the turkey shows his appreciation for Leach by guarding his home on Singleton Road. Tom is sort of a legend around the tiny community. “What;s unusual about this turkey is that not only does it stand its ground, but it pecks the tires of my Jeep,” said rural mail carrier, Ronnie Bates. He said Tom often chases him too when he delivers the mail. “Every time I hope that it doesn’t get its beak stuck in the tire and I run over it.”