Thank-you’s for Harrodsburg Tea Room events

Published 8:50 am Thursday, December 7, 2017

Dear Editor,

The Harrodsburg Historical Society kicked off the Christmas season with the 26th Tea Room and Tour on Dec. 1 and 2. Many came from near and far to eat on Friday only. The tour on Saturday brought first-time visitors, as well as those who have come year after year.  

We are most thankful for those who opened their homes and welcomed the many who crossed their thresholds. Without them, there would be NO tour and we are extremely grateful of the time and effort it takes to participate. A thank-you seems so simple, but it is so sincere.

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The many volunteers who worked in so many areas too numerous to mention — from senior citizens to pre-teens and teenagers — kept the Tea Room and tour moving. Many people made and contributed the delicious Tea Room food, hosted in the homes, and provided their gift of music. 

A special thank you to the Heritage Area String Program for the quartet of musicians who played. And there is much appreciation for our advertising patrons and patrons of the Harrodsburg Historical Society.  

We also would be remiss if we did not thank Bobbie Curd and Brenda Edwards of The Advocate-Messenger for the publicity provided by this newspaper and the wonderful articles they wrote. We knew by the comments from participants that they learned of the tour through the articles in the paper.

Thank you again to all and don’t forget to mark your 2018 calendars for the Tea Room on Nov. 30 and the tour Dec. 1, the first Saturday, for our 27th celebration. We look forward to seeing you!

Marian Bauer

Harrodsburg Historical Society 

Christmas Committee