Danville schools could start next year on Aug. 15
Published 8:00 am Wednesday, December 13, 2017
The Danville Independent Schools is considering starting the 2018-19 school year on Aug. 15, according to a calendar proposed to the Board of Education Monday night.
Ed McKinney, director of pupil personnel in the district, said the proposed calendar looks similar to this year’s calendar.
The proposed calendar was determined by a committee, as required by a state law enacted earlier this year. The committee must consist of a principal, a board-of-education member, two parents, one elementary school teacher, one middle or high school teacher, two classified employees and two community members.
“We were mandated to have a calendar committee. This was the first year around the state … Most districts navigated it pretty well,” McKinney said.
The proposed calendar has opening day for teachers as Aug. 13, with professional development days scheduled on Aug. 7 and 8 and planning days on Aug. 9, 10 and 14. Those are all days when students would not attend.
The first holiday would be Labor Day on Sept. 3, followed by fall break, Oct. 8-12. A planning day is scheduled for Oct. 29 and Thanksgiving break would be Nov. 21-23.
Winter break would be Dec. 20, 2018-Jan. 1, 2019, with a planning day on Jan. 2, 2019. Students would resume classes on Jan. 3, 2019. The first holiday of the spring semester would be Jan. 21, 2019, Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
Feb. 15, 2019, would be a professional development day; Feb. 19, 2019, is President’s Day; and March 22, 2019, would be a planning day, but all three can be used as make-up days in case of snow.
Spring break would be April 1-5, 2019. Students get another break on Good Friday — April 19, 2019 — which would be a professional development day for teachers.
The last day of school for students would be May 22, 2019, with closing day on May 23, 2019. Make-up days are built into the end of the calendar, too.
The board plans to vote on the calendar during the working session on Jan. 8.