Looking back: Christmas traditions 100 years ago

Published 9:14 am Monday, December 18, 2017

The local community came together 100 years ago at Christmas to mark houses in Boyle County where “patriots” lived and supported the American Red Cross.
“If ‘patriots’ live there you will see a red cross in the front window,” according to an article in The Kentucky Advocate:
There are one hundred million people living on the United States. If the country hears the appeal of the Red Cross, 15 million of our population will enroll themselves as members of the Red Cross by the next year.
By this sign you will know them: If the Red Cross displayed in the office or house shows a white star on the red cross, then every member of that household or office is a member of the Red Cross for 1918; if less than all are members, then a small red cross will appear on the poster for each member in that house or office.
A membership solicitor will call at each house or office and request they they join the organization in the coming year.
The Advocate asks people to “Deny yourself some luxury this Christmas and give your $1 to help make somebody as comfortable as it is possible while under the surgeon’s knife.”
Story of Christmas
The Choral Club gave the people of Danville a musical treat during the Christmas holidays.
The program was divided into two parts — the first half to be devoted to some of the old Christmas Carols and solos, and the last half to presentations of Matthew’s Cantata, “The Story of Christmas.”
The Club will be assisted by two soloists, Miss Porter, soprano, and Omar Wilson, baritone, a popular Cincinnati singer.
Some of the most beautiful music written is for the yule-tide season.
Tickets at Curry’s sell for 50 cents each or the season ticket is only $1.
The Second Presbyterian Church, North Third Street, also hosted the musical during a Christmas service in December.
The Chorus work was excellent during the evening. Particularly pleasing was the work done by the male chorus of the Wise Men.
One of the best parts was “O lovely Voices of the Sky” by Miss Porter. Wilson possess a deep, rich voice full of resonance and a range of adaptable to the most difficult works. Miss Shailer was director and organist.
Other holiday events
— Trinity Church Guild held its annual bazaar on Saturday, Dec. 8, 1917: The chairman expects every member of the church to give freely so those that have not canned, and can, to come and fill their pantry shelves reasonably, and also buy Christmas gifts.
— The Danville post office was open until 9:30 p.m. Dec. 18 through 24 to accommodate its customers, Postmaster W. Logan Wood announced: This is done for the convenience of those who are busy through the day, and also in a measure to relieve Wood and his assistants during the day. Patrons of the post office know that during the days preceding Christmas, the duties of all connected with the office are increased wonderfully, ‘tis a trying ordeal for everyone. Logan urged the patrons to be as considerate as possible, especially since the office force is willing to work hours of overtime for the convenience of the public.

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