News briefs, Dec. 28
Published 9:12 am Thursday, December 28, 2017
McDowell Wellness Center offering swim lessons
McDowell Wellness Center is offering swimming lessons beginning Tuesday, Jan. 9. Participants can choose to attend the 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. class. Each lesson is 45 minutes and will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays for four weeks.
Classes are available for all age groups and are taught by certified instructors. Please call McDowell Wellness Center at (859) 936-9355 for a detailed list of class times and levels.
Lincoln library offers computer class
The Lincoln County Public Library, 201 Lancaster St. in Stanford, is offering Introduction to Computers: Basic Computer Skills, beginning 1 p.m. Jan. 9. The class will meet every Tuesday through Jan. 30 for this four-week introductory course, designed for the very beginner or those who are uncomfortable with using computers. It will cover parts of the computer, how to use a mouse and keyboard, the difference between hardware and software and how to save and organize files. The class is free, but space is limited — registration is required by Jan. 5 by calling (606) 365-7513, or by stopping by the library.
Christmas tree recycling and disposal locations
Donna Fechter, director of Boyle County Solid Waste Management has announced the locations and times for Christmas tree recycling and disposal locations. They are:
Boyle County — Department of Solid Waste Management will begin accepting Christmas trees at the Alum Springs Convenience Center on Wednesday, Dec. 27 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The center is open Tuesdays through Saturdays, expept holidays. Call (859) 854-3404.
City of Danville — Drop off location is at the Danville Public Works Garage, 547 South Second St.
Republic Sanitation curbside pickup — For Danville and Perryville, on regular pick up days. Trees must be cut into 3-foot sections.
Other requirements is disposing of trees include; all lights, tinsel, garland, tree stands and ornaments must be removed to be accepted; artificial trees or trees that have been treated with a chemical such as artificial snow may be taken to the convenience center and cut into 3-foot sections; for convenience center drop offs you must show proof of residency.
For more information you may call Boyle County Department of Solid Waste at (859) 319-4803; or Republic Services at (859) 936-0957