Pipeline plan would harm Boyle’s economic development

Published 9:25 am Thursday, December 28, 2017

Dear Editor,

Arguments were offered in a Letter to the Editor on Tuesday against EDP fighting the Kinder/Morgan pipeline.

While job development is certainly EDP’s “Job One” — please consider these potential consequences of highly explosive, deadly carcinogens coursing beneath our feet:

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A) Any leak would severely, perhaps irreversibly contaminate farmlands, water, the air; life in all forms would be jeopardized.

B) The pipeline in question runs across all of Boyle County, under at least one school campus, a number of neighborhoods, businesses — even the city/county primary recycling center where huge trucks drive right over the line.

C) The 70+ year old pipeline’s outdated metal & weld compounds would not pass modern safety standards.

Taking all of this into consideration, any competing region seeking jobs for its own back yard would “lobby” logically that the potential of locating here — with tens if not hundreds of thousands of dollars or more to invest — could threaten the health of employees and jeopardize the success of that company.

Taking this argument further, there simply cannot be community growth without water. Lobbying for jobs against our now pristine region by a competitor would be simple. Since we supply surrounding counties with life-sustaining clean water, a major leak at Herrington Lake could end not only new job development; everything we currently enjoy could be devastated and ultimately shut down!

There is no logic in supporting any out-of-state entity that would bring great risk — with virtually no tangible reward to our town, county or for that matter, Kentucky. On the contrary there are too many environmental, as well as job-related reasons to oppose the Kinder Morgan Pipeline No. 1 proposal.

Kudos to the EDP for considering a position against this risk-laden venture.

Respectfully submitted,

Tom V. Ellis
