Public records, Dec. 30
Published 4:54 am Saturday, December 30, 2017
Cases handled recently in Boyle District Court, listed by name, charge, fine and jail sentence, where applicable, include the following. Court costs also were assessed in most cases. Ages and addresses are listed if available.
Judge Jeff Dotson presiding
Nicole Burton, 36, Henderson: public alcohol intoxication, $25 fine.
Armand J. Napier, 26, Lexington: hunting without a hunter education course completion card, $25; two counts resident hunting without license, $50 each count; and three counts of illegal take/pursue deer/wild turkey, $100 each count.
Ondie Anthony Hicks, 43, Perryville: third-degree criminal mischief, $30 fine; first-degree criminal trespass, $45 fine; and false statement/misrepresent to receive benefits over $100 amended to a misdemeanor, 365 days, credit for 11 days, remaining time probated one year.
Zachary D. Lail, 27: theft by unlawful taking more than $500 but less than $10,000 amended to less than $500 a misdemeanor, 365 days; carrying a concealed deadly weapon, 30 days, concurrent, credit for 10 days, remaining time probated one year.
Darrell Quintez Mitchell, 24, Harrodsburg: third-degree terroristic threatening, 30 days; third-degree inmate assault on corrections officer, amended to assault fourth-degree a misdemeanor, 365 days, credit for four days, remaining time probated one year; public alcohol intoxication, $25 fine.
Cases referred to the Boyle County grand jury recently include:
Chadwich J. Abbott, 34, Lexington: first-degree unlawful transaction with minor, illegal sex act under 16; use of electronic communication system to procure minor/sex offense.
Jordan C. Campbell, 27, Berea: first-degree unlawful transaction with minor, illegal sex act under 16; use of electronic communication system to procure minor/sex offense.
Dallas B. Carlton, 24, 135 Aspen Drive: first-degree trafficking in controlled substance greater than two grams meth; possess drug paraphernalia; possession of marijuana.
Civil judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
Amber Noelle Wilson vs. William Ashley Wilson, divorce granted.
Christopher Pierre Harlan vs. Misty Gale Harland, divorce granted.
Annie Berry vs. Shawn Berry, divorce granted.
Criminal judgments handed down in Boyle Circuit Court include:
Britany Riddell, 23, Liberty: second-degree escape, three years; contempt of court, merged.
Kathy Huff, 44, Nicholasville: two counts of third-degree burglary, two years on each count, time concurrent with other sentences.
Dalton Durham, 22, 5570 Alum Springs Road: first-degree trafficking in controlled substance less than two grams heroin, three years; first-degree trafficking in controlled substance less than two grams fentanyl, three years; first-degree trafficking in controlled substance less than two grams meth, three years; seven counts contempt of court, merged; first-degree trafficking in controlled substance less than two grams meth amended to facilitation first-degree trafficking in controlled substance meth; 12 months, all time concurrent.
Danette Divine, 59, Perryville: convicted felon in possession of a handgun amended to possession of a firearm, one year, suspended, probated five years.
Bradley Young, 35, 401 Harding St.: receiving stolen property less than $10,000, one year; two counts of first-degree persistent felony offender, dismissed; first-degree fleeing or evading police, one year, all time concurrent.
Mary Fletcher, 29, Stanford: first-degree complicity trafficking in controlled substance less than two grams fentanyl amended to complicity possession controlled substance drug unspecified, two years, six months; first-degree promoting contraband, two years, six months, concurrent.
Whitney Hartner, 24, 117 Centre Estates Drive: first-degree trafficking in controlled substance greater than two grams fentanyl amended to less than two grams, four years; first-degree promoting contraband, four years, concurrent.
David Walker, II, 37, Harrodsburg: manufacturing meth amended to unlawful possession of meth precursor, four years; tampering with physical evidence, four years; first-degere possession controlled substance, meth, three years; driving on DUI suspended license, six months; possession drug paraphernalia, 12 months, all time concurrent.
Deanna Brown, 42: third-degree burglary, two years six months; complicity theft by unlawful taking more than $500 but less than $10,000, two years, six months, concurrent.
Nathan Griffin, 24, 161 Shearin Ave.: first-degree possession controlled substance, meth, one year; possession drug paraphernalia, 12 months, concurrent.
Sheri Humston, 37, Lexington: third-degree burglary, three years; complicity theft by unlawful taking more than $500 but less than $10,000, three years, concurrent.
Philip Price, Jr., 25, Stanford: first-degree possession controlled substance/heroin, one year; possession drug paraphernalia, 12 months, concurrent; first-degree promoting contraband amended to second-degree, 12 months, all time concurrent.
Joseph Burns, 37, 218 West Erskine Drive: first-degree trafficking in controlled substance greater than two grams meth amended to first-degree possess controlled substance, meth, one year consecutive; first-degree trafficking in controlled substance less than two grams heroin amended to first-degree possess controlled substance, meth, one year, concurrent; first-degree trafficking in controlled substance, fentanyl, amended to first-degree possession controlled substance drug unspecified, three years, consecutive.
Jody Cooper, 31, 210 Alta Ave.: first-degree possession controlled substance, meth, one year, consecutive with Rockcastle time; two counts of second-degree wanton endangerment, 12 months on each count, concurrent.
Anna Cummins, 43, Junction City: first-degree possession controlled substance, meth, one year, consecutive with Boyle time; tampering with physical evidence, one year, concurrent; first-degree possession controlled substance, meth, one year, consecutive with Boyle time; possession drug paraphernalia, 12 months, concurrent; second degree escape, one year, consecutive with other time.
Vinson Whitehead, 46, 467 High St.: first-degree possession controlled substance, meth, one year, consecutive with other time; possession drug paraphernalia, 12 months, concurrent; first-degree possession controlled substance/cocaine, one year, consecutive with other time.
Eddie Wesley, 38, Harrodsburg: first-degree unlawful access to computer, amended to theft by unlawful taking more than $500 but less than $10,000, two years, six months.
Donald Freeman, 27, 213 Forrest Ave.: first-degree trafficking in controlled substance, one year, consecutive with Lincoln time; possession drug paraphernalia, 12 months, concurrent.
Obie Wilson, 40, Stanford: second-degree escape, one year.
Owens R. Edwards, 26, Harrodsburg: third-degree assault, inmate assault on corrections officer, one year.
Shennon Groves, 49, Glencoe: first-degree promoting contraband, one year.
Marriage licenses issued recently in the office of Boyle County Clerk Trille Bottom include:
Dina Jusufovic, 27, self employed, Danville and Jonathan David Southern, 33, Paycor, Inc, Shawnee, Kansas.
Brittany Renae Soto Bosda, 26, student and William Licona Martinez, 26, Chilton Lawn Care, both of Danville.
Doris Ann Glover, 47, unemployed and Israel Padron Perales, 44, unemployed, both of Danville.
Samantha Jo Stone, 26, Minit Mart and Abraham Isaac Williams, 26, Beaumont Inn, both of Danville.
Carma Neale Lanham, 22, unemployed and Joseph Anthony Sears, 23, Ephraim McDowell Hospital, both of Danville.
Ashley Patricia Vithe, 27, Cracker Barrel and Andrew Joseph Goetsch, 28, Cracker Barrel, both of Danville.
Rachel Sue Bowden, 24, real estate and Dakota Tanner Good, 26, realtor, both of Danville.
New driver’s licenses issued recently in Boyle County include:
Raven White
Destiny Boyd
Amber Sultzbach
Hayden Block
Madison Elliott
Cases handled recently in Casey District Court, listed by name, charge, fine and jail sentence, where applicable, include the following. Court costs also were assessed in most cases. Ages and addresses are listed if available.
Judge Michael Loy presiding
Edwin D. Lane, 24, Dunnville: possession of marijuana, $150 fine, 30 days, two days credit, remaining time suspended one year.
Michael W. Stargle, 46, Russell Springs: operate motor vehicle under influence, $765.50 fine, $25 fee, 90 days license suspension; one headlight, dismissed; reckless driving, dismissed.
Christopher James Pierce, 48, 430 Delp Road: operate motor vehicle under influence, $735.50 fine, $25 fee, 90 days license suspension, four days jail, credit for one day.
Teena M. Lane, 33, Russell Springs: operate motor vehicle under influence, six months, 60 days to serve, balance probated two years, 24 months license suspension, license plate impounded; possession of marijuana, 30 days, concurrent; third-degree possession controlled substance, drug unspecified, 30 days, concurrent.
Skyler Kreigh Graham, 23, Smyrna, Tennessee: second-degree disorderly conduct; menacing, dismissed; license to be in possession, dismissed; third-degree criminal mischief, 10 days, credit for one, balance probated one year, $500 restitution.
Brandon Kyle Eads, 28, Lexington: second-degree disorderly conduct, 10 days probated one year; public alcohol intoxication, $215.50; fourth-degree domestic assault, dismissed.
Bethany Wethington Hernandez Gonzalez, 21, Russell Springs: first-degree criminal trespass, $50 fine.
Cristal Ina-Jean Wardip, 43, Hustonville: second-degree criminal mischief, 10 days jail, discharged one year with $623.64 restitution paid.
James Edward Stacy, 25, Yosemite: public intoxication controlled substance, $240.50; second-degree disorderly conduct, 30 days, to serve two days, credit for one, balance discharged one year.
Chyna Lynn Day, 19, 1213 Byrd Ridge Road: public intoxication controlled substance, $250.50 fine.
Cases handled recently in Garrard District Court, listed by name, charge, fine and jail sentence, where applicable, include the following. Court costs also were assessed in most cases. Ages and addresses are listed if available.
Judge Bill Oliver presiding
Rodney Lee Moberly: eight counts theft by deception less than $500, $889.54 restitution plus fees.
Cases referred to the Garrard County grand jury recently include:
Trampus Deron Berry: improperly on left side of road; first-degree trafficking in controlled substance greater than two grams meth amended to less than two grams, possession drug paraphernalia; expired registration receipt; no insurance, failure to notify address change to DOT; failure to produce insurance card; attempt tampering with physical evidence.
Ricardo Florentine Bell: first-degree sexual abuse victim under 12 years of age; first-degree sodomy victim under 12 years of age; first-degree rape victim under 12 years of age.
Darrell W. Cox: first-degree unlawful transaction with minor illegal sex act under 16; use of electronic communication system to procure minor/sex offense.
Christen J. Fields, failure to or improper signal; first-degree possession controlled substance, meth; first-degree trafficking in controlled substance, meth; possession drug paraphernalia.
Roger Miller: unauthorized use of motor vehicle; theft by unlawful taking or disposition of auto, more than $10,000 but less than $1,000,000; two counts of contempt of court.
Juan Tlazalo: first-degree unlawful transaction with minor illegal sex act under 16; use of electronic communications system to procure minor/sex offense; no operator’s license.
Vinson Dewayne Whitehead: first-degree criminal mischief; third-degree criminal trespassing.
Tracy E. Wolfinbarger: first-degree unlawful transaction with minor illegal sex act under 16; use of electronic communications system to procure minor/sex offense.
Cases filed recently in U.S. Bankruptcy Court include the following:
Chapter 7
Krysten and Tyler Sebastian, 614 Ada Drive, Apt. 2, Harrodsburg, 17-52490.
Melissa Ann and Richard Allen Pitman, Jr., 6033 Alum Springs Road, Danville, 17-52493.
George D. Hickey, 245 Hatfield Road, Liberty, 17-52509.
Brenda L. Berryman, 145 VonLinger Lane, Stanford, 17-52510.
Robert Gregory, Jr., 5409 Lexington Road, Lancaster, 17-52517.
Joey Curtis, 130 Highland Ave., Lancaster, 17-52519.
Hope Ann Riley, 260 Kirkwood Road, Salvisa, 17-52531.
Robert L. and Carolyn F. McCowan, 241 Stevenson Ave., 17-52532.
Chapter 13
Brenda J. and Jason P. Sester, 1001 Talmage Mayo Road, Harrodsburg, 17-52507.
Joshua J. Gantt, 390 Wood Spring Drive, Lancaster, 17-52518.
Chapter 7
Janetta Juanita Collett, 7226 S. KY 501, Liberty, 17-11211.
Chapter 7: Court-appointed trustee sells assets, and debtor is discharged of debt.
Chapter 13: Debtor arranges to repay debt.