Republican Party growing in power, popularity
Published 2:42 pm Saturday, January 20, 2018
Dear Editor,
Statewide data has just been released from Frankfort showing further evidence that Kentucky voters appreciate changes underway in our state capital and Washington, D.C.
Republican Party growth from Dec. 18, 2017, to Jan. 16, 2018, outstripped Democrats by a margin of nearly 11 to one, a truly startling number! This follows on the heels of the Democrats losing 7,537 registered voters over the course of last year while Republicans showed a gain of 33,272, a GOP turnaround of nearly 41,000 voters.
Further dramatic state totals show that since Gov. Bevin came into office, Republicans have gained 111,922 new voters. Obviously the once held belief that to be an elected official in Kentucky you had to be a “tax-and-spend liberal” is fading into oblivion. Republicans are now meeting the challenge to run for office as a new era of governing on conservative principles is taking hold.
National data reflects tremendous GOP growth as well: 900 new Republicans in state legislatures; a gain of 60 GOP seats in Congress; control of the U.S. Senate, with an increase of 11 members; and 14 new Republican Governors!
The combined heavy burden of increased taxation and seeing neighbors losing their jobs to out-of-state and foreign companies during the last administration (when the House, Senate and President began with all Democrats) strained many Kentucky families to the breaking point! In contrast, since our governor and president were inaugurated, they have brought back jobs, gained worker pay increases and bonuses and lifted the spirits of middle America.
During his recent General Assembly address, this brutal winter caused Gov. Bevin to reflect on our president’s new coal initiatives. What better way to reduce the production cost of electricity than creating new Kentucky jobs in coal mining, steel production and transportation?
Kentucky is finally on the upswing as our recovery is now underway. As a result, Republicans will assuredly gain new positions in local, state and the federal government. Come join the party that has brought life and growth back into our great Commonwealth!
Tom Cummins