Police blotters from Jan. 12, 14, 15, 16, 17
Published 12:43 pm Monday, January 22, 2018
Editor’s note: Taken from the Danville 911 records, the Police Blotter represents a history of the initial calls and the information used by the dispatcher to send officers to investigate complaints. It is not necessarily an indication of what the officer found upon arrival at the scene, or of how police may have dealt with the complaint.
12:11 a.m., caller from East Main Street is reporting that her husband is threatening her with a handgun; he has been drinking; female told her husband officers were on the way and she now wants to cancel; arrest made.
Remaining blotter and blotter from Jan. 13 are not available.
8:48 a.m., roadway is slick on Mock’s Creek and is causing vehicles to slide out onto Ky. 33.
9:36 a..m., icy road conditions are causing vehicle to be stuck on Ashley Way.
10:52 a.m., report of forced entry into Pontiac Avenue home and at least three guns have been stolen.
12:15 p.m., a dog was found in the road near the animal shelter; it has bleeding paws and may be starving.
2:20 p.m., caller is reporting that a driver in an SUV is pulling a group of children on a sled through the field at the end of Ridge View Road.
6:32 p.m., arrest made at Leonard Court residence.
6:46 p.m., arrest made at Duke’s Coin Laundry.
9:19 p.m., a 4-year-old child has grease burns all over her body.
10:23 p.m., Centre College security has found a box of drug paraphernalia.
10:23 a.m., caller wants to speak to an officer in reference to a missing juvenile in Junction City.
11:53 a.m., a vicious dog is running loose on Cemetery Street in Junction City; animal control notified.
11:56 a.m., a 12-year-old is out of control and is being physical.
12:18 p.m., fire alarms are going off at Goodall Apartments; it was a water flow alarm.
1:52 p.m., officer received a call of a possible disturbance in progress near Melton’s Deli on East Main Street; trouble settled and options explained.
2:42 p.m., three-vehicle accident at Third Street and Lexington Avenue.
3:22 p.m., caller is requesting an officer check on the welfare of a female living in a pop-up camper without heat at Pioneer Playhouse; officer is reporting the camper isn’t popped up and employees are aware of who she is but haven’t seen her today; 9:05 p.m., camper has been moved.
4:40 p.m., female can be heard screaming at a child “If you do it again, I’m going to hit you again!”; child can be heard crying.
4:44 p.m., caller is requesting to speak to an officer about threats being made by a fast food restaurant employee; employee was also physical earlier.
4:44 p.m., Lebanon deputy is requesting an officer meet them at the county line to give a female a ride home because her vehicle is broken down in Lebanon and she cannot reach any family members.
4:51 p.m., reference about a juvenile who was found unattended; 7:18 p.m., officer with the female; arrest made.
5:39 p.m., a male who may be under the influence of drugs or alcohol is standing outside his house on East Main Street and is throwing big snowballs at passing cars which is causing a traffic hazard; he is holding a beer bottle.
5:44 p.m., there is a verbal domestic altercation between a male and female over items belonging to their daughter.
5:48 p.m., a vicious hound puppy is on the caller’s front porch on Allene Drive; 9:16 p.m., a vicious puppy is at the residence; animal control contacted.
6:02 p.m., the 911 center has received several calls about a child at the Junction City Police Department; 6:31 p.m., child’s grandmother has been located; 8:58 p.m., conference call in reference to the child who is in the custody of social services.
6:37 p.m., a suicidal female has access to a gun; 6:49 p.m., officers making forced entry into residence; officer seized loaded firearm.
10:46 p.m., a female at Applebee’s told the manager she doesn’t have anywhere to live and has fallen asleep in one of the booths; she has been there all day; management didn’t call police earlier because she was intoxicated but she has sobered up now; management isn’t requesting her be removed but they don’t want her to be put out in the cold; vehicle has been stolen out of Louisville; arrest made.
12 a.m., a female with a knife has forced entry into Shearin Avenue residence; two males are holding the female at gunpoint; arrest made.
9:23 a.m., Johnson Branch Road is too icy for a wrecker service to get to a crashed vehicle.
10:46 a.m., caller from North Sixth Street is requesting assistance with a place to stay.
11:18 a.m., officer is assisting probation and parole with a house check on Hancock Street; residence is resecurred per homeowner’s request.
12:47 p.m., two dogs are been left in the back of a pickup truck parked at Walmart.
12:50 p.m., caller from Secretariat Drive called the fire department; 1:06 p.m., Atmos contacted.
2:34 p.m., a female at Murphy’s gas station claims to have been held against her will in a red SUV before the male occupant put her out of the vehicle.
4:17 p.m., two intoxicated males on a 4-wheeler have gotten it stuck on Persimmon Knob Road.
5:47 p.m., caller is complaining about a vehicle parked by the stop sign at Caldwell and Proctor Street while they are sledding at the football practice field.
6:02 p.m., caller said a male driver of a pickup truck left an infant in a car seat in the vehicle parked at Walmart while he went into the store; caller called back and said the male put a child in the car seat when he exited Walmart so a child wasn’t left in the vehicle after all.
7:57 p.m., an out-of-control juvenile female is at the residence where the family was attempting to report her missing over the weekend; juvenile has been released to grandmother.
10:08 p.m., report of damage to a city vehicle.
10:50 p.m., caller is inbound on U.S. 127 from Casey County and is following a reckless semi truck driver that is swerving all over the road and is flashing their lights; caller said they are following the semi and will not stop until an officer pulls the truck over; caller has been irate with the Casey County dispatch; dispatch is advising to make officers aware that the caller could cause problems for the officers; original caller is requesting officers to pull the semi over because he wants to press charges; male caller is now waiting for an officer at Hardee’s in Boyle County; 11:13 p.m., traffic stop of the semi truck driver; no violations were witnessed.
6:47 a.m., caller wants to speak to an officer about his son who is in possession of possibly stolen checks from Danville.
7:49 a.m., the outside heating unit may be on fire on Goggin Lane.
9:06 a.m., caller is reporting an assault and threats made to him.
12 p.m., report of criminal mischief to snow plow equipment on Hustonville Road.
4:39 p.m., a physical domestic altercation just occurred at residence; two females and two children have locked themselves in a bedroom; male is under the influence of alcohol or drugs; male detained after foot pursuit; arrest made.
9:19 p.m., a dog is locked in a car on East Main Street; animal control notified; arrest made.